back again!

kymmixxx Posts: 151 Member
As the title says im back to start again. About 4 years ago i lost about 4stone was extremley fit and thrivrd on eating well and exercising. Cue getting pregnant and having a aweful pregnancy and birth im now a stone heavier than i ever was. I really struggle to fit exercise in now im a mum and back working :(
Im 4'10 and starting at 180lbs(down to 175) any support/friends welcome esp shorties ot post pregnant ladies


  • SharlyceJade
    SharlyceJade Posts: 16 Member
    5'2" and starting at 260lbs. Ultimate goal is to get down to 126lbs. Diet is such a masdive part of your weight loss so keep that on point. Feel free to add me. Good luck with your journey lovely!