Want MFP friends

im back on MFP for like the 8th time. I'm really motivated this time and I am not giving up. I'm looking for MFP friends to go on a journey with me to be a better me!
I have been working my *kitten* off every morning and I'm happy to say I'm getting results!!!
Today is the beginning of week 3!! I'm 2 weeks in and 13.5 pounds down! With about 50 more to lose. Let's do this!!


  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    This is my third time... But we can do this! I'd love to be there for you. Add me if you want :)
  • Lshona
    Lshona Posts: 393 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • boricua3177
    boricua3177 Posts: 192 Member
    Feel free to add me...I reply back to statuses & "like" posts too. :-) I have been on MFP a million times before I really took myself seriously...so I get it. :-)
  • ktwjax1
    ktwjax1 Posts: 4 Member
    Me too!! I'm working it. Slow but steady.
  • daniellafoulger
    daniellafoulger Posts: 1 Member
    I really need some motivation from other users, so if anyone wants to friend me I'd really love that!
  • Madreliz
    Madreliz Posts: 3 Member
    How do you add people? I really want to get going again, and know I need support and encouragement!
  • MaryCharlotte1404
    MaryCharlotte1404 Posts: 4 Member
    Friend request sent! :)
  • sgirl115
    sgirl115 Posts: 53 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have no friends..lol just started!
  • kikiwomack7
    kikiwomack7 Posts: 5 Member
    :) Add me
  • jaqsmyth
    jaqsmyth Posts: 5 Member
    Me too. I've been using this on and off again but never checked out the community part of it.
  • pascogirl95
    pascogirl95 Posts: 15 Member
    edited August 2015
    Oh I so understand, I start up go Gungho then fizzle, I've done that over and over again. I do so much better with others.... any journey is better with friends. Ya'll can add me, if you want.
  • StayThirstyMan
    StayThirstyMan Posts: 45 Member
    Also looking for encouraging people. Getting back on is something just for you. Good luck. Add if you'd like.
  • SpectacuLaura
    SpectacuLaura Posts: 144 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for awesome people on here :)
  • sd16913
    sd16913 Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me for extra support!
  • acct95413
    acct95413 Posts: 7 Member
    Add me Please!! Im just getting started again too!! And looking for new friends also :)
  • lhensarl
    lhensarl Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also looking for people to encourage each other. Anyone here can add me if they'd like.
  • AinsleyJay90
    AinsleyJay90 Posts: 6 Member
    Girl I hear ya...I've been on and off MFP I don't know how many times but this time is different.
  • evyjoy88
    evyjoy88 Posts: 12 Member
    This is my second time coming back to myfitnesspal, you're not alone. I sent you a friend request :)
  • dawn_70
    dawn_70 Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • kendraupham
    kendraupham Posts: 1 Member
    Can add me more support the better :))