How to encourage my wife

I am a happily married male 45 from Texas. I recently started working out again to lose some weight and to be healthy again. I would like my wife to join me in this journey. She is a little over weight herself and sensitive about her weight. Any ideas how to encourage her to lose weight. Like i said, she is a little sensitive, and any time I bring it up, she gives me the look.


  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    Suggest things like going for a walk, it's exercise and you get to spend time together or offer to take over cooking duties (if you can cook!) then you can make sure that it's healthy things that are being served :smile: Unfortunately until she decided that she's ready to loose weight it wont happen, it's taken until now for me to find the motivation to shape up.
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    any time I bring it up, she gives me the look.

    So don't bring it up. :wink:

    Seriously, if you are trying to be healthier, that in itself is very encouraging! Lead by example, but YOU are the only person YOU can change.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    Then don't bring it up!!!

    No seriously, my mom has been like this ever since I was little. The best way that my dad has been able to incorporate a healthy lifestyle into their lives is to do it in ways that are completely obvious. The hopes are that she will start feeling better and then want to be more open about it. Suggest that you cook dinner... Or if she is the chef - Explain how important it is to you that you start eating more healthy. Print out recipes for her... After dinner, suggest a walk! Enjoy each others time walking and she wont even realize that she is getting in exercise! Small steps. Oh and as a married woman myself if my husband brought up my weight/health I would automatically get defensive about it. You have to be delicate about it... Why? Because she is delicate and her feelings can get hurt easily.

  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    Positive reward - whenever she makes a more healthful choice - reward her! But not with 'honey, I'm so proud of you' - too condescending. More like - when she cooks a healthy meal, well, maybe that's about the best meal you've ever eaten. What a great wife she is. Or if you go on a walk together - tell her how much you enjoyed the time together - can't get enough of it, etc.

    I would stay away from pretty much everything else, lol. Good luck, and good for you!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Don't bring it up if she's sensitive. That won't change. Just try to lead by example, and talk about your own weight loss journey as much as you want. Try to make healthier choices, invite her to exercise when you do.
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    whatever you do son't bring it up from a wife point of view. like others said lead by example she will see your r esults and probable start helping, tell her about this website what you are doing and maybe ask for advice on a weekend menu to get her involved but make it sound like you need to lsoe weight too! :smile:
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    Whenever you mention exercising ask her for her help. If you're going to do some weight lifting ask her to spot you. I used this method with my daughter and before I knew it she was working out right along with me.
  • Jennid27
    Jennid27 Posts: 15
    You are amazing for caring about her health while being sensitive to her feelings. Your best way may be to say nothing for a while...I have been on a plan for 8 weeks and by supporting me, my boyfriend is starting to adopt some of my habits. He is reading labels, cooking lighter and ordering differently when we go out.. So ask her to support YOU (healthier foods at home..restaurants you go to etc...) you may have to do some of the cooking, if you don't already! Ask her to join you for a walk by saying you haven't seen her all week...once she sees you trying so hard she is bound to join you..if not, you can proceed with 'I'm concerned about your health..want to grow old with you etc...none of us want to feel someone else is making the calls for us so, if she is sensitive, she knows she needs to lose and has to come to that decision on her own. Now,, go hug her and tell her how beautiful she is...every day! My weight is falling off now...he never said a word about the slightly rounder me and I know he benefits from the healthier, happier me. Bottom line is I ended up doing it for me...not him. Best wishes!
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    My husband is also sensitive about his weight. I too am worried because where my BMI was in the overweight catagory his was in the Obese I catagory. When I first started I made comments about healthy food habits which he did not want to address and was angry if I brought it up. I stopped. I realized this is my journey and I cannot be responsible for his weight loss because he can only do it himself. I have since lost 25 lbs and he has said he is proud of me and as of the last few weeks has begun to restrain from certain bad food habits. He has gone for a couple of walks with me but not many. It's a slow process but he is finally listening to me talk about calories in vs weight gain... and yes he does a lot of physical labor but when you walk in the house and down about 600-700c in snack food (breads, cheeses, dips & chips, etc.) that any weight loss is pretty much gone.
    My suggestion is to concentrate on yourself but be open to those moments when a walk, talk, or action by you can make a difference in how she sees the overall picture of herself. I guess that's why they say patience is a virtue because sometimes it is hard to hold your tongue.

    Best of luck to you both:smile:
  • LaurieBLouise
    LaurieBLouise Posts: 48 Member
    you are very sweet for wanting your wife to lose weight, not for you, but for HER. unfortunately, as women, weight is THE biggest sensitivity. we already feel a lot of pressure to have the perfect body, and I imagine she feels like she's "too far gone" to begin the journey with you. she's probably also a bit afraid she won't see results. I agree with everyone above-- lead by example. talk about how awesome you feel after your workouts or how delicious a healthy meal was to you. I imagine she will follow suit soon enough. but she must want it for herself.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    You don't have to mention it but there are ways to get her to be more active without her even knowing the underline reasons you are doing it. I understand that you love your wife and you want to make sure that both of you have many years together...I'm with you. So my suggestion is start dating again...with her of course. Surprise her with dancing lesson where yall can go together. Invite some friends and have a fun filled night to the bowling alley. You might not know how to bowl but I have fun laughing at how many gutter balls I bowl. Have a picnic in the park and then take a stroll around it and admire the beauty. The point is to get her moving without her even knowing it. Now the operative word is "surprise". If you ask her to do these things she may come up with a whole bunch of excuses, but if your dress it up and say hey look what I got or guess where we are going or just tell her hey lets take a ride and have everything plan...there is no backing out for her. She will probably see it as fun as long as you don't mention anything regarding health. So keep it lite, airy and fun.

    Good luck!!
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    Now I know we all have our own issues here but my ex-husband brought it up. Was so "proud" of me or rewarded me every time I started to lose.. I tried so hard to please him. Truth is I ended up feeling bad about myself a lot. Because he only commented on my looks when I was losing, I knew he wasn't attracted to me as I was.. . The moral of MY story is he is now my EX.. LOL

    New boyfriend digs me "as is".. he makes me feel good about myself and my body. I'm here now for me because I want to feel better in my body.

    Just my own personal spin/advice... dig her for who she is. A person makes healthy/positive changes when they feel good about themselves.