on the quest to the 180's

So today i weighed myself and i'm at 224.8lbs~ super good i started may 17th dieting and was at 228.4lbs... now every .1 lbs counts!! and motivates me to continue... have had my sluggish feelings as well do to the change of lifestyle trying to by pass them and continue on my journey to the new me!! 1st goal 180's!! who's with me????????????????? :)


  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    I started at 216....now holding at 191.8...can't wait to see the 180's!
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    Good job! Keep it up!
  • kdelost630
    kdelost630 Posts: 196 Member
    YES! 180s here we come! And I like that you have a mini goal date of June 23rd--ME TOO! :) We can totally do this!
  • Count me in!!!
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    i started mfp at 225 on january 24th.. and just reached 188.5 today! .. (was 242 when i started losing, before joining mfp.. so my ticker shows the whole loss).

    Before you know it you will be there!.. i can attest.. it feels freaking awesome! *L*
  • great atleast i got some people with me!! it is a hard journey to follow but every day we will have a challenge to over come and we will over come it together as a team!!! good for you shelly super amazinggg! and inspiration really!~ cannot wait to get there myself! n i shall!
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I am trying to get to them, I have broken into the 199's but I can't seem to shift beyond that, there is a lot going on with home life and work so I know my changes are not in the front of my mind ( like i have had to buy lunch for last three days, as I couldn't get to my other work place to eat the healthy lunch that was in the fridge there, but it was grab something or eat nothing!)

    but on the other hand I haven't gained at all, so that's a plus point, but it can't always be my complete focus, but I am doing something right.
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    I started at 240 and hit the 180's this week, so you can do it!!!

    My big first goal is to be in the 170's by July 1 because I leave for Mexico on July 3 :glasses:
  • good job girl! doing good dont worry we all got our up's and down's its normal:) keep on going :)
  • xoTLCxo
    xoTLCxo Posts: 185 Member
    190, 180, 170, 160, 150 and hopefully 145!!
    Let's go girl!! :happy:
  • Keri_girl
    Keri_girl Posts: 44
    I'm with you!!! HERE WE COME!!
  • shonniegrl
    shonniegrl Posts: 22 Member
    I started my weight loss journey in October of 2010 and have lost 60lbs (I've lost 8 since starting with MFP). I keep gaining and losing the same 3 lbs this past month hovering between 190 and 193. I REALLY want to ditch the 190's and start into the 180's!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • good job guys!!! i started excercising in the mornings now instead of the nights and this morning i feel all pumped up!!:d
  • You guys are the ones that keep me going :) I look forward to exercising now and it is such a fantastic feeling!!
  • You guys are the ones that keep me going :) I look forward to exercising now and it is such a fantastic feeling!!
  • nikkialexander828
    nikkialexander828 Posts: 17 Member
    im totally in! when i first got with my boyfriend 5 and a half years ago, i was in the 170's, but have gradually gained until i was at about 248 (at my highest). now we are getting married on september 10th and my goal by then is to be less than 200. currently im at 215! surely in 3 months i can do it!
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    I'm in! So many of you with similar stats to mine and goal dates... It just feels good sometimes to read a post and think, "I totally could have written that". I started my weightless journey in September 2010, after my second son was born. I was 260 lbs. I started MFP at the end of February at 220lb, CW 206. I have just started exercising again and finding it really makes me feel good about myself and helps me make better food choices, most of the time.

    I'm in a wedding on September 10th, and I haven't really set a goal weight deadline, I just want to be less than I am today. (I haven't had good results when I set a goal weight date in the past. This is all part of trying new ways to look at weight loss.)
  • JellyPrz619
    JellyPrz619 Posts: 172
    I'm in!! I'm @ 191 right now... been there for about 3 weeks :( but I can't give up!