
It makes a week I have been following a plan and I gained a pound!!! Really?? So discouraged!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    It makes a week I have been following a plan and I gained a pound!!! Really?? So discouraged!

    Are you weighing your food using a digital scale? Are you logging your intake using good solid entries in the MFP database? Did you set up your profile correctly in order to get your calorie goal? Are you eating back exercise calories?
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    it happens. weight loss isn't linear. I gained 5lbs when I started exercising for various reasons
    keep doing the next right thing
    weigh your food. log everything to the best of your ability. read all the stickies.
  • carolineloves
    carolineloves Posts: 27 Member
    Don't be discouraged! Scales are fleeting. There are many factors in diet loss. And as moyer566 said, weightloss isn't linear. There will be ups and downs. Sometimes it's water weight, or hormones, or just your body doing human things.

    Don't let yourself get down about this week. Keep moving forward! You got this!