Losing after gaining

while sitting in my butt for 8 months finishing nursing school and studying for my boards I have gained 15 pounds. 12 of those pounds have been since March. I haven't really changed my diet so I'm not sure why I've gained the weight besides being more sedentary than usual due to studying. I am currently 215 lbs. 2 years ago this time I was 188. 27 pounds in 2 years. If like to take that back off but it seems so hard. I have hypothyroidism and I've been on 3 different medications that they haven't been able to get control of my thyroid levels. Very frustrating. None of my summer clothes fit me and in worried once I put my winter clothes on they won't either. I'm 27?years old and 5'6" tall. My dr says I should weigh 150 but that's a long term goal. My short term goal is 15. Intermediate goal 30 and longtime goal 60. I make the mistake of weighing myself daily and if I don't see a change I give up. Does anyone with a similar experience have any advice? Thanks in advance :)


  • suzettedees
    suzettedees Posts: 85 Member
    I have hypothyroidism too and thankfully it's under control at the moment. I had my Meds upped in June. I'm not sure how long you've been hypothyroid but, it's been 26 years for me. It makes it more difficult to lose weight but, not impossible. I eat under 1200 calories most days and exercise 6 days a week doing cardio and strength training. I usually lose between .5-1 pound a week. Not much right! But any loss is a loss. Don't lose hope and remember every day is a day towards a healthier you. Those clothes will fit again as long as you keep trying!
  • palmettosleeve
    palmettosleeve Posts: 2 Member
    I have hashimotos and have been hypothyroid for 15 years. I was in synthroid for 14 years and was switched to armour thyroid a couple months ago and my weight has actually increased. It's so fristraying
  • LinDiSm26262
    LinDiSm26262 Posts: 234 Member
    edited August 2015
    I have thyroid issues as well. I just had my blood work done and my meds need to be increased again. I've had Hashimoto's for 25 years now and have struggled with my weight during this time. I lose slow - but that's okay as long as I'm losing something. Only weigh once a week. Find a calorie range that works for you. Maybe begin at 1200 calories for a couple weeks and if you don't lose then lower the calories to 1150 for a couple weeks. Add some walking a few times a week and see what happens. Also, you could try eating lower carb foods. Good luck!
  • suzettedees
    suzettedees Posts: 85 Member
    I have Hashinotos too and it is frustrating. I've been on synthroid all along and you'd think that when your blood work comes back normal after an increase in medication that the weight would magically come off but, it doesn't