
light_shimmer Posts: 118 Member
Hello. My name is Danielle, and I'm a sweetener addict.

:) Now that that's out of the way

I used to drink my coffee with sugar and milk. Or to rephrase, I used to drink my sugar and milk with coffee. We're talking 4-5 tablespoons in each of my 10-12 cups a day here people, it was terrible. Then I discovered International Delight Creamer. Better taste, and in my mind...better for me. I stopped buying a bag of sugar every week, and that had to say something.....right?

Not really. I was still pouring crap into my body with every sip. I then switched to fat free creamer Hey even better! or not.

So enter in myfitnesspal.com. By now ( this is a several year process of changing my coffee habits around I'm talking) I had a doctor, a chiropractor and a few family members talk me down to 2 cups a day. *gasp*. I don't know how I survived :) Anyway. It really irritated me every morning to see 140 calories, 24 carbs, and 24 of my sugar gone (this is the fat free stuff now, mind you)after drinking my morning crack. Everyday for the past month, I've been glaring at those stupid numbers thinking, well that's just silly. The coffe has -0- all across the board.

I ran out of creamer last night. I entered in what it would be if I only used 2 tbsp of sugar in my coffee, and x'ed any milk and just used a little water to cool it down. 120 cals, 8 carbs and 8 sugar. I decided not to buy any more creamer.

This morning. It was a revelation. I prepared my coffee. Sat down, took the first sip, and was shocked. IT TASTED LIKE CRAP! The sugar felt like it was sticking to the back of my throat and instantly turning to mud flavored tarter. So I tossed it. Didn't have any creamer, screw it, I'll just drink it black for today and go to the grocery store later. Here's the really shocking part.

I DON"T NEED ANY SWEEETENER! It tastes just fine :)

There will be no more irritating numbers on my log sheet every morning after I drink my coffee.

Hello, my name is Danielle. I actually like Black coffee.

Maybe the next step will be to cut coffee out completely? We'll see.


  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    congrats ...... i still prefer my coffee wiith splenda but im getting used to it black
  • Ajaay
    Ajaay Posts: 70 Member
    LOL! I love your post. One of my friends is a coffeeaholic and seeing her bad habits in front of her aggravated her as well. She still drinks her coffee, but other fatty foods that she likes she's decreased out of pure annoyance with the numbers. I drink hot tea myself and I've cut the milk and am working on decreasing the sugar.
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    I'm the same way! I like my coffee blonde and sweet! However, I seldomly drink coffee, so when I do, it's a nice treat. :)
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    I LOVE this post!!! I'm not addicted to my "morning crack" like you are/were....but I HAVE to have my Coffee-Mate when I do drink coffee. What an eye opener though...as soon as I got done reading your post, I got my creamer from the cupboard. It's something I never gave much though, but wow, it sure adds up. I may be drinking black coffee from here on out as well.
  • dennisdavis1956
    Had all of the same habits. Starting drinking my coffee black years ago and got used to it rather quickly. Wouldnt have it any other way. YIKES, now I've starting drinking herbal tea's. Even better for ya. Welcome to the dark side : - )
  • DKing33
    DKing33 Posts: 78 Member
    I could have writen the first part of this! LMAF! I enter my creamer everyday and think I need to stop drinking coffee in the morning, these extra calories suck even though I really enjoy my coffee before the kids get up and it is still quiet!!! I noticed this am that I will only have enough for this weekend, and thought I would be making a trip to the store, BUT you have inspired my. I WILL NOT go by more creamer.
    Thanks for the Inspiration!!! :wink:
  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member
    Idea for you all who drink sweet coffee (like I used to)

    I used to put about 2 t of sugar in my cup of coffee.. plus half n half.

    well about a year ago, we had some heavy cream left over from making homemade whipped cream. so I used that in my coffee instead.

    I found that I didn't need to add any extra sugar when I used the heavy cream as it already has a sweeter taste than half n half (even though it doesn't have any ADDED or FAKE sugar in it.. just the natural lactose sugars)

    then after a few days on the heavy cream, I started mixing it with half n half .. a splash of each... then after a week of weaning down the ratio, I was able to move to straight half n half.. a couple of Tablespoons and that's it.
    half n half.

    and the extra good news is that if I have a sip of my husband's coffee now (with cream and sugar) it tastes awful! I can't stand it sweet anymore! (though I still like specialty coffee drinks like vanilla lattes etc.. but I rarely treat myself to one of those)

    just an idea.

    I could probably go one step further and start weaning myself from half n half to milk...
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    Haha, I love this!

    Once upon a time I was a frappuccino drinker. Then, I moved on to Starbucks' version of a caramel macchiato (to those of you who don't know coffee, as I once didn't: this drink a la Starbucks is actually just a vanilla latte with a lot of caramel added in. See below for actual macchiato make-up.)
    Next, it was plain lattes, no flavoring. I felt very posh. Around this time, I started to becomer lactose intolerant. Or, so I call it. Leaving the nastier details out, heated milk REALLY upset my stomach.
    Enter, the cappuccino. Very little milk, and actually not so bad. Eventually, I became addicted.
    Then, my stomach started rebelling again,s o i moved down another level to macchiatos. REAL macchiatos. This drink is espresso with just a splash of steamed milk and a dollop of foam. Basically, a pared down cappuccino. ALSO delicious!

    Then, my wallet got sad, along with my stomach, so I made the final transition: one day, I brewed coffee at home. *GASP*

    I am now, and will always be, a black coffee drinker.
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