Sugar?? How bad is it??

Kalbright79 Posts: 65
edited 3:41AM in Food and Nutrition
If all my numbers are good everyday but sugars are higher will that stop me from making progress???
What is a good amount for sugar intake and does it make that big of an impact on losing weight or not?


  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    sugar argument starting in 3...2..1....

    my personal opinion? it's what kind of sugar. processed=bad. but not eating fruit because it's got sugar in it? that seems a little extreme.
  • sweetdosia
    sweetdosia Posts: 28
    I think it depends on the type of sugar. If you're sugar is coming from fruits and things that are good for you, then it should be ok. But if its all added and from processed foods, then maybe cut some of that out.
  • fitfocusedfamily
    fitfocusedfamily Posts: 117 Member
    It depends on what it consists of. If you eat a lot of fruit, the sugar is okay. I actually ignore that number because even the medical community cannot agree on what that number should entail. Just make sure you aren't eating a lot of processed sugard & the number won't matter.
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    sugar argument starting in 3...2..1....

    my personal opinion? it's what kind of sugar. processed=bad. but not eating fruit because it's got sugar in it? that seems a little extreme.

    Hahaha!!! Yea give it like 3 minutes and this forum will be cut throat. But I agree, processed sugar is never a good thing, but I think fruit is fine. I'm over on sugar a lot but it's always because of fruit.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Sugar is sugar. Your body cannot tell the difference and will process it the same. At least that's what my biology professor said when I was in college. I eat it. I love it. I limit it though. But I also work my as$ off each week to make sure it's not a bad thing.
  • rosieef
    rosieef Posts: 57 Member
    My sugar is over every single day. I ignore it, because I eat a lot of fruit and I reckon sugar from an apple is better than sugar from a mars bar! :wink:

    I'm sure there are hundreds of people more knowledgeable than me who can give physiological lectures on it, but I'm not going to stop eating fruit just because it puts my sugar over.
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    if your diet is lean protein... vegetables... and fruit... I wouldn't worry about the sugar

    if your eating little debbie this, hostess that, cokes, cakes, chips, breads,.... ect... you need to reconsider your sugar intake...
  • SakanaUshi
    SakanaUshi Posts: 27
    If you want a somewhat technical explanation from a doctor and you have 90 minutes, watch this:

    Both sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup are terrible for your long-term health if you consume too much. Lactose, on the other hand, is just fine. So, it really depends on the type of sugar. "Sugar" on MFP doesn't really do it justice. I'd just say avoid sugary drinks or really sugary foods.
  • Kdoran73
    Kdoran73 Posts: 12 Member
    Recommended Daily Sugar Intake for Women: 20 grams or 5 teaspoons for weight loss.
  • knewbill72
    knewbill72 Posts: 133 Member
    Sugar has a BIG impact on your health. Sugar is sugar period at the end of the day. It all comes down to how it works at a cellular level. Take sometime this today or this weekend and watch this video. Yes, its a little long but VERY educational an eye opening. I never do anything health related unless I understand the WHY behind it first.

    Here you go!

    All the best!
  • I think it also depends on your on personal chemistry. Some people are insulin resistant or pre-diabetic and should be eating as little sugar as possible even if it comes from fruit. If you are this type of person or are trying to get pregnant or are finding the weight isn't coming off fast enough then switch it up and cut down to 1 or 2 servings of fruit per day and no refined sugar. for me individually I'll take any edge I can! PS, I also have a sweet tooth and need to follow my own advice. GOOD LUCK!
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    There will be a huge range of opinions on here about sugar. Personally, I avoid sugar like the plague unless it's in vegetables and maybe some fruits. It causes a dramatic increase in blood sugar, which in turn causes your pancreas to pump out a lot of insulin, which tells your cells to take in sugar. You want to be burning fat, not sugar, so this doesn't help you! Additionally, some people think that the big insulin dump can lower your blood sugar to the point that you actually feel hungry, causing you to eat more.
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    I think it also depends on your on personal chemistry. Some people are insulin resistant or pre-diabetic and should be eating as little sugar as possible even if it comes from fruit. If you are this type of person or are trying to get pregnant or are finding the weight isn't coming off fast enough then switch it up and cut down to 1 or 2 servings of fruit per day and no refined sugar. for me individually I'll take any edge I can! PS, I also have a sweet tooth and need to follow my own advice. GOOD LUCK!

    This is right on.
  • Lol....I'm burned out on discussing sugar, BUT, I do want to post a follow up to Lustig's video.

    To clarify, I mean in response to the above video links to "Sugar: The Bitter Truth"

    If you are a person who engages in fructose (fruit) alarmism, or a fear of HFCS, read up a bit.
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    thanks for posting this question chica.. I was also wondering the same thing and from most of the responses here, I see that my thinking was more or less on the right track...
  • Thank you for your responses - I will look into those videos suggested when I have time later tonight. Have a great weekend all!
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