My motivation (why i train)

ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
edited October 2024 in Motivation and Support
I wrote this a few months ago. Lil story there feel free to pm me about it lol. But I've gotten some good feedback/pm's about it and figured I'd share my little rant.

Here goes:

People always wonder, what keeps you in on Friday nights? Why are you up at 6am on Sunday? More chicken? Really? Hell the UPS and FedEx guys think I'm nuts, boxes and boxes of supps coming in almost weekly.

So why do I do it? The time, the energy, the money? No, I've never been on stage. Sure there's a ton of bigger guys out there. All that work just to look good naked?

I'll tell you what I don't do it for. I don't train my *kitten* off so some half drunk girl can grab my arms at the bar. That's happened a time or two and well, just leaves me walking away shaking my head. I don't do it so I can have a nice butt, but thanks for those compliments I guess. I don't throw up big weights in the gym to brag or show off. There's nothing "cool" about chicken and rice every day.

I do it cuz while most people are sleeping in, I'm pushing myself. Obsessed, self centered? Maybe a little. But I don't weigh the value of what I'm doing against what the next guy is or isn't doing. I need to know that I'm better than what I was a day before. If I can do that, I know I'm not wasting my life, my time, my potential. Discipline? Yea it takes a lot of that. Two years ago I was still waking up drunk, looking for the next excuse to party. Two years ago today I'd be in bed, smelling of captain n coke. Today, I'm getting ready to warm up with my max from 2 years ago.

I do it cuz I love it. Ya, puking after squatting doesn't sound fun, fainting after a bench press sounds overboard. Nobody's paying me, nobody's cheering for me, hell I'm pretty sure nobody besides me cares. And that's the most fulfilling part. I do it for me, because I love it, it inspires me, it makes me feel good. It doesn't matter if I had an amazing day or a real ****ty one. The weights don't care. The weights tell me when I'm trying, they tell me when I'm not. And when they say I do, that goes with me everywhere, it's in everything I do.

I don't need to look at pics of the pro's or hear about so-and-so's new PR. I got my own pics. I have my own PR's. I can watch myself grow, change, improve. I can see myself make mistakes, miss goals, and come up short. But I also know I have the power to change, to learn from mistakes, try harder at those goals. Coming up short is temporary, you haven't failed until you give up. Your success is completely in your own hands.

So no, I don't train to look good or impress you. I train because it moves me.


  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    Cool story bro. (serious)

  • Cindy219
    Cindy219 Posts: 21
    Loved this!!!!!
  • swthrtsmrf
    swthrtsmrf Posts: 384
    Love it. I love your honesty. Thank you for sharing why you train. Doing it for you is the most important reason, yeah we all have our additional, but for ourself is the best reason!
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    Damn man! You hit that right on the head! Thanks for sharing!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Love your passion to be the best you can be!!!
  • icandoit203
    icandoit203 Posts: 170 Member
    Love it that is the way to do it motivate urself and no one else. When you do if for you you keep it off. WTG
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks for reading!
  • Myrtlemama4
    Myrtlemama4 Posts: 92 Member
    LOVE it!!!!!!! Love the post!
  • jodyl70
    jodyl70 Posts: 94
    Simply amazing and well written................
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    Simply amazing and well written................

    Thank you
  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    The best post I have read in a long time !! Very well done !!
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    The best post I have read in a long time !! Very well done !!

  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    and a shameless bump lol
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    you are amazing and im proud to call you my friend. you are truely supportive when I need it and I thank you for that!
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    Yea this is great! Pretty much why I friended u on here. So much of what u said is the same thoughts I have about why I do it too!
    Way to hit right on!
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    I love this :)
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I LOVE this. While I'm not as hardcore as you by any means, I have been called "obsessed" because I try to watch what I eat and work out. I find myself wondering all the time why it's okay to call someone obsessed that cares about their body, but not go around calling people fat and lazy when they are. Thanks for posting!
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks everyone :)
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Great post mate.

    I think you have really nailed the key to success here. As long as you are working to impress someone, or to be better than someone else you will never truly be the best you can be.

    It is only that internal fire, that inexplicable desire to be the best person YOU can be that will ensure long-lasting success. This ia as true in fitness as it is in every aspect of life.

    Well done for achieving so much in the last two years!
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    I love it. Not the puking part but the rest of it. I have friends that are petite, friends that are large, friends that are into fitness and healthy eating and friends that are not, ironically it's the larger ones that are the ones who are eating healthier and getting more exercise. I've just started my mission to find my way back to the level of fitness I knew before and I know the people who think I'm crazy and the people who are behind me and support me because they understand that I want to be better, more fit, healthier, for ME... and not for how anyone else sees me or what anyone else thinks of me.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member

  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    Over 3 years later the situation has changed but the fire never died. Still battling
  • rlshopp6
    rlshopp6 Posts: 31 Member
    This is awesome, thanks for sharing it. I found it really motivating and inspiring. As I think back to what I've accomplished in a few years, and how I've allowed myself to get stuck lately, your take on why you're so dedicated now has really got me thinking. I definitely needed to hear this!!
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