Looking to lose 150 pounds

hello everyone I'm a 28 year old female from New Jersey. I have two of my friends using the app with me and we are motivating each other to lose weight. My ultimate goal is to drop 150 pounds and today I'm already down 5 pounds and I started my weight loss journey on Monday. Any tips and/or recipes are greatly appreciated!! Good luck to everyone!


  • Fixxyangel
    Fixxyangel Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Nicole, can I join you? Thanks
  • nicole_d_s
    nicole_d_s Posts: 21 Member
    Hello! You sure can! :smile:
  • mike5884
    mike5884 Posts: 11 Member
    I wish u best of luck, 150 is a tall order but it can be done. If i can give u any advice it would be stick to the app. Even if you pig out on a large dominos pep. Pizza like i did...lol. log it n be honest no matter what. Dont get discouraged if u dont lose weight one week, give it time your body needs to get into a rhythm. Lots of veggies n fruits. The less process food the better. Dont shop for food while you're hungry, if u like meal prep for the week thats fine, i tend to get bored n thats when i go bannanas.lol. if u want it eat it "portion size" is the trick but do remember thats more empty calories so moderation is a must. Online websites help with healthy recipes...ie recipes.com. oh n dont go throwing out all your food n replacing it with healthier foods, i did that one yr and i regret it, just money down the drain...shop frequently, it'll keep food fresh and save you money and you'll notice the deals more often...besides how do u think couponers' get great deals. Anyways bck to healthy eating...above all...dont stop!...if you eat nothing but junk for a month...you stop logging entries...you go on vacation to Las Vegas n forget your middle name let alone your newly acquired healthy eating habits...get back into it!...dont stop!...n surround yourself with a support system. Never forget where you came from or how far you traveled to get their. Stay humble and help others...sorry i know its long but i always struggled with healthy eating and this app is money!!! Anyways hope this helps
  • Damien_Scott
    Damien_Scott Posts: 108 Member
    I'm on day 37 and I've lost 27lbs thus far. As far as recipes go, I didn't change my diet much. The biggest things were cutting out empty calories like chips, soda, cookies, pasta, breads, etc. I mean I still eat them from time to time but I try to find alternatives such as Flatout brand wraps instead of sandwiches with bread. I still have a soda every now and then, party because I work 10 hour shifts at night and get tired. Just stay at or slightly under your calorie goal and you can eat pretty much anything. I've been eating snicker's ice cream bars as a snack daily for a few days and I've still dropped 3-4 lbs since I got them.
  • Damien_Scott
    Damien_Scott Posts: 108 Member
    edited August 2015
    Also try things like almond/cashew/skim milk to save calories. Make sure to try and get your 90 grams of protein every day. your body burns 700 calories converting 90g of protein into other chemicals your body can use/store.

    Oh and yes, don't be discouraged if you don't lose weight one week. Twice now I've gone a week without losing, only to quickly drop 4-5lbs the next. There are so many variables from day-to-day that you have to look more at weekly and monthly losses to judge your progress. Restroom habits are the biggest culprit for me. I've been trying to find a better balance for gut health.
  • runnerintraining89
    Everyone in this group add me please! You all have such great advice. And Nicole add me too. it may be a lot to lose but you can do it!!!
  • nicole_d_s
    nicole_d_s Posts: 21 Member
    @Mike thank you for all of that. I actually did go out shopping and bought some healthier foods. I didn't throw out all my junk because like a true fat kid I decided to eat it all before I started lol. I've looked to Pinterest for some recipes so I'm just trying out some things. However day 3 and all I want is a cheeseburger and cheese fries haha.
  • nicole_d_s
    nicole_d_s Posts: 21 Member
    @ Damien first of all congratulations on your weight loss! That's awesome!! I am cutting out all junk food for now because I have no self control and I don't want to screw myself over right away. I also work nights and I've been packing shakes and good meals for work. I've also bought the mop water enhancers that have energy in them to keep me going since i don't drink soda or energy drinks!
  • Damien_Scott
    Damien_Scott Posts: 108 Member
    nicole_d_s wrote: »
    However day 3 and all I want is a cheeseburger and cheese fries haha.

    If you want a cheeseburger, eat one. I'd still shy away from the fries though, unless you get a small from somewhere with better quality fries like Wendy's or a mom and pop place. Count the calories and adjust your days around your dinners. If you want a burger just plan for it and then eat that shizz. That's what I do. It's worth it to skip lunch or opt for something lighter in the morning to "pig out" on a nice burger.

    You could also try making your own to know exactly whats in/on it. Or even go bunless since 1/3-1/2 of the calories are the bun itself.

  • nicole_d_s
    nicole_d_s Posts: 21 Member
    I bought those flat breads to make a turkey burger wrap with instead of the bun. I love carbs which also blows so I couldn't go completely bread less..not yet anyway. So these wraps will do for now! :smile:
  • Damien_Scott
    Damien_Scott Posts: 108 Member
    edited August 2015
    I usually eat a large "breakfast"/"dinner" of whatever I want before work and then wait until I get home to eat again. After work it's usually cheerios and a banana or eggs, bacon, grits, etc. I get hungry sometimes at the end of the night but I guess I just fast for the remainder. It works for me and I can eat more calorie intense foods because of it.
  • Damien_Scott
    Damien_Scott Posts: 108 Member
    edited August 2015
    nicole_d_s wrote: »
    I bought those flat breads to make a turkey burger wrap with instead of the bun. I love carbs which also blows so I couldn't go completely bread less..not yet anyway. So these wraps will do for now! :smile:

    Exactly! don't go carbless if you don't want to. you could literally lose 150lbs eating nothing but twinkies and ding dongs. The problem with carbs from my experience is that they don't make you full. I cold eat a bowl of pasta that's over 1000 calories with chicken and sauce and still be hungry in a couple hours. Or I could eat two wraps for 700-800 and be full for hours.

    If you cook yourself a lot use fatty cuts of meat. I've heard from various nutritionist sources that natural fats make you feel fuller longer. They don't translate into body fat or anything like that.
  • nicole_d_s
    nicole_d_s Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks!!! I appreciate all the info! :)
  • AccidentlyOnPurpose
    Congratulations on the weight loss so far! Though, if it was me, I'd set up multiple goals to reach my ultimate goals because 150 lbs is a lot! I have about 40 lbs to lose, and I give myself little treats (like shopping for new clothes) about every 5-10 lbs depending on how difficult it is to lose. It'll keep you motivated because if you keep rewarding yourself for losing weight, you'll continue to want to. :) Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Damien_Scott
    Damien_Scott Posts: 108 Member
    edited August 2015
    The only goal I've set myself was to lose at least 60 lbs by Christmas. I should be on the way to hitting it, even if i drop down to only 2lbs a week lost.

    Still it's nice to look forward to something.
  • nicole_d_s
    nicole_d_s Posts: 21 Member
    @ purpose thank you!! Good luck with losing your 40 pounds and if you need anything let me know! I'm a super awesome motivator!