pregnancy diet and advice

So my new husband and I have been married for about a month and eventually the time will come to have a family so what are some some advice on what I can eat and drink when the time comes?


  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Deja vu??? Didn't u already post this question and get a lot of good responses?
  • christyj0725
    christyj0725 Posts: 52 Member
    I just wanted to get some advice
    janjunie wrote: »
    Deja vu??? Didn't u already post this question and get a lot of good responses?

  • Eldow1977
    Eldow1977 Posts: 48 Member
    I would simple tell you to try to achieve a sensible diet before you fall pregnant, concentrating of the right things to eat rather than sticking to a set amount of calories. We all know you can use our calories by eat a set amount of pizza or a virtually unlimited amount of veg, the latter be better of course. Then when you do fall pregnant eat what you want, remembering to focus on the healthy habits you have already learnt. Remember that we don't need to eat for two anymore but there are some days that your body will simple demand certain things, so as a way to appreciate the wonderful job your body is doing, give in and have whatever it is you want, just not unlimited.
  • FunSizedKJ
    FunSizedKJ Posts: 67 Member
    Honestly, if you are worried about weight gain during pregnancy, follow the diet restrictions that they put on pregnant ladies with gestation diabetes (had it with my daughter, it's not as hard as you'd imagine) and ONLY eat the necessary calories. My doctor told me that my first trimester, to stay around a healthy level of calories for someone not particularly trying to lose weight, so about 1700-1800ish. Second semester, add around 200 calories in, so 1900-2000ish. In the third, top it out around 2200-2400. The process of carrying and growing a baby only adds about 300 calories a day, if you're eating more than that on top of a maintenance level for yourself, you will gain weight. If you don't, weight gain will be minimal. From the time I got pregnant to the day they weighed me in the hospital before I gave birth, I only 'gained' 11 lbs. But realistically, my daughter was 7 lbs and there is a lot of fluid going on, after my first week postpartum I weighed 10 lbs less than my pre-preggo weight :)
  • acurtis82
    acurtis82 Posts: 9 Member
    honestly if you can keep the food down, just be conscious of what you eat and try to stay active. If you eat junk and sit on your rump, you are bound to gain.
  • christyj0725
    christyj0725 Posts: 52 Member
    Well I've been taking my prenatal vitamins for a while now and since my wedding and honeymoon in July I've lost 20lbs and back in the 120s!!!!