13 days post pregnancy time to lose weight :)

had my second little girl 13 days ago :) although only put on a stone I need to lose double that.
I am a binge snacker and have been keeping track of what I've been snacking on and I'm shocked already by 12:30! All my calories are gone and I've not even had tea.
Hoping after today I can start fresh and become the happy healthy person I was 5 yearsago.


  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    congrats on your baby. Give yourself some time to settle in before going crazy on the diet. Snacking is hard especially with little ones who eat all day long. Enjoy the kidlets.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Be careful rushing into the weight loss. 2 weeks post partum you aren't even cleared for exercise yet, right? Are you nursing? If so need to make sure you get plenty of calories and stay hydrated.

    It's great you are ready to get started but it's important to take care of yourself during this time, get sleep, etc. congrats on the new baby!
  • littlelarza
    littlelarza Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the replies :)
    I'm not going crazy just yet but I am looking into the way I eat as it is definatly not healthy and want to see how many extra calories, fat, sugar etc I am consuming!
    Seeing everything wrote down has gave me quite a shock and I'm quite disgusted in myself :(

    I had a section so won't be able to exercise till 6 weeks!

    Hopefully I will be able to do this once and for all.
  • indierockmoans
    indierockmoans Posts: 7 Member
    Omg! Your baby will have birthday in the same day as me :smiley: Congrats dear!
  • goddess0007
    goddess0007 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 8 weeks post pregnancy, doing the same thing as you. I started 4 weeks ago and have lost 15lbs. Clean eating and now light excersize for the last week and 1/2. My biggest struggle has been keeping my milk supply up but I'm working with a lactation RN on that so everything is working out. Another struggle I have is finding time for excersize I have a slow frequent eater so much of my day is on the couch and a 2 year old, the rest of my time is taking care of his needs.
    For snacking It helps me to have no junk food at all in the house so when I do snack my worst options are light popcorn and apples with natural peanut butter, but we need to eat frequently for a good milk supply, so find a balance. Good luck and congrats!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    You're less than two weeks removed from major surgery. Give your body some time to heal.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    First of all, congratulations!

    Secondly, go easy on yourself. Your body is recovering from two major events, having a baby and major surgery. I would suggest not even stepping on the scale for at least another month! (In that time, you will be shedding the extra water weight, blood volume returns to normal, and the uterus is returning to it's normal size, so there will be loss, just don't drive yourself crazy by tracking it).

    Focus on eating nutritious foods. Fruits and veggies are very important! But so is fat and protein (fat is essential for hormone balance, so make sure you aren't depriving yourself). It's okay to pay attention to calories, but don't cut back very much at all. The info page they gave me in the hospital after my last baby suggested 2100 calories; this was with breastfeeding, but baby isn't really eating much at all yet. YMMV

    Make sure you stay well hydrated. This is especially important if you are breastfeeding! Keep a cup or bottle of water with you, and drink from it regularly. It will help with milk supply and letdown, plus enough water may also help prevent binges.

    Once you are cleared by your OB/midwife, you can do more. But for now, enjoy your little one. She doesn't care how you look (and all new moms tend to be fluffy-it's part of the process :wink: ). She just cares about having you there, smiling at her and talking to her and taking good care.
  • littlelarza
    littlelarza Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks all for the great advice :) as I've said I'm not going crazy counting calories or anything extreme just trying to eat more clean food as my diet has been terrible and I'm actually ashamed at the amount of junk I have been consuming.
    Yes I will definatly enjoy my newborn and not get to wrapped up with counting calories etc....
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    Congratulations on your baby girl. :) Trading out some less nutritious options for more healthful meals and snacks is a great idea. Counting calories and tracking weight at this point is maybe not. But if you are able to use the information for what it is, probably nothing wrong with what you're doing.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    You meant 13 weeks right?