Accountability Needed

Hi everyone. So a couple of years I lost a bunch of weight and I've maintained most of it. However I would ideally like to lose about another 10-15 lbs and tone. And I know one of my issues is diet coke! Maybe??? Sodas aren't good and I've "cold turkey" it but now it's like ughhhh can't I enjoy something?!?! Lol. Anyhow I'm hoping to find a network that will help keep me accountable, consistent and positive!!! Hope to find a positive support system!!!

***please note I do not want to hook up with anyone nor am I wanting to date. I am married and only on here as I stated: weight loss support system. Thank you for being respectful. I'm only writing this disclaimer due to past incidents.


  • dls6599
    dls6599 Posts: 5 Member
    Same here! Feel free to add me- just getting started on here and could use some support and motivation too!