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Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to post a quick introduction. Please add me if we have similar goals! I am currently living in South Korea. I have been teaching here for 5 years. I am recently engaged and our wedding is set for October 2016. I have to get wedding dress ready! :smile:

My food logs are honest and I comment often as well to keep my friends motivated. My news feed will also be honest. If I am having a bad day I use MFP to vent instead of other social media. I know some people don’t like negativity, so just a warning. On the other hand, if I am having a great day, I post that too!
I’m 5’2” and my CW is 145 lbs
10/01 GW-137 lbs
11/01 GW- 131 lbs
12/01 GW- 127 lbs

I eat roughly 1500 calories per day and aim for my macros to be about 40 (C) 35 (P) 25 (F). I like to eat clean, but I also love a cheeseburger. I lift about 3 times per week and do cardio 3 times per week as well. Since I’m just starting back, I won’t be eating back my exercise calories.

I am not new to MFP and I am not new to losing weight. I first started losing weight in January 2009. My starting weight was 180 lbs. I struggled with binging and purging from the time that I was a teenager, but in 2009 I really got a handle on it and began eating healthy most of the time, but not restricting myself so much that I would want to binge. By December 2009 I weighed 130 lbs. I kept it off for a year and maintained my healthy lifestyle.

I moved to Korea in December, 2010 and being in a new place, I began to be more social, which meant drinking and eating more and before I knew it (over the course of 10 months I gained 30 lbs). In October 2011, I went through a terrible breakup, went through cycles or binging and purging and gained another 20 lbs. By the end of 2011, I was back to 180 lbs, but didn’t care too much. I stayed at 180 lbs for 2012 and in June 2013, I realized something had to change. In 6 months I lost 20 lbs, so I started 2014 at 160 lbs. Over the last year and a half I have lost 15 more lbs. I’ll stay serious for a while, then I’ll binge and it will all go downhill again. I deleted my MFP account earlier this year, because I was struggling badly with binging and I thought that logging wasn’t helping, but now after a summer almost binge free, I am ready to get back on it and I would love some support.


  • JohnGregory53
    JohnGregory53 Posts: 22 Member
    You know a whole lot more about this app and the entire process, but feel to add me. I will be committed to encouraging.
  • 50andfabu
    50andfabu Posts: 112 Member
    Congrats on your engagement! Feel free to add me as a friend. Happy to support you.