All I do is eat.

Hey Everyone,
I am not new but have been struggling for what seems years. I have gained so much weight and every day I tell myself today is the day. I meal prep, pack up my workout clothes and head out the door. By mid afternoon I am snacking on crap and thinking of way to get out of working out. I really believe I have an addiction with food. I am a recovering alcoholic with 18 months sober and 40+ pounds heavier. I sneak eating food when I out running errands, I will talk my boyfriend into going and getting nice cream, and when he is not home I will eat nonstop. I have no close friends and no hobbies. I know I am depressed and lonely, but don't know how to handle it all. I'm not sure what to do. I know I don't was to gain any more weight, and that I want to be happy. But how do I get there??


  • becknomad
    becknomad Posts: 63 Member
    Read Feeding the Hungry Heart.
    Be kind to yourself.
    Start one small goal - this might be just going outside for 10 min a day or taking a pottery class.
    Prioritize what YOU need, now.
  • LynndyStarr
    LynndyStarr Posts: 9 Member
    put a chain lock on your fridge and cabinets? lol.....sorry just joking...I live alone, so i have the luxury of not keeping any food in my house if i want, I just don't buy what I don't want to eat....when i am craving sweets I eat sugar free chocolate pudding with rice milk or fat free chocolate pudding pops, 40 calories each....i could not live without those two give it a try :)
  • MrsButler82
    MrsButler82 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been there. This counting calorie thing can be kinda fun. Give it a real try. At first just log what you eat and see where you are. Then thank god your not a million pounds. After that it seems easier to cut some calories. After a while you will be excited to eat a snack at the end of the day because you will have so many calories left. The main thing though is don't stop counting, and don't get disappointed when you go over. Just be thankful that you are now logging your calories and try to eat fewer calories the next day. Start walking. I took the dog on a long walk the other day and burned like 500 calories. It is awesome to do activity and then get rewarded! Or if you go over that's a good time to go on a walk. Good luck. Also if you feel like eating, drink some water and paint your toes, or soak in a bath. You may forget about eating for a little bit and every minute counts.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    I am not new but have been struggling for what seems years. I have gained so much weight and every day I tell myself today is the day. I meal prep, pack up my workout clothes and head out the door. By mid afternoon I am snacking on crap and thinking of way to get out of working out. I really believe I have an addiction with food. I am a recovering alcoholic with 18 months sober and 40+ pounds heavier. I sneak eating food when I out running errands, I will talk my boyfriend into going and getting nice cream, and when he is not home I will eat nonstop. I have no close friends and no hobbies. I know I am depressed and lonely, but don't know how to handle it all. I'm not sure what to do. I know I don't was to gain any more weight, and that I want to be happy. But how do I get there??

    Get an appointment with a therapist, ASAP. You need support from a professional. Good luck.
  • bhw2412
    bhw2412 Posts: 6 Member
    Aside from the other comments suggesting therapy for the long-standing issues, could you be eating out of boredom? I am a big boredom eater myself and it's very common
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hello :)

    Without sounding patronizing, my first piece of advice would be to see a doctor. Food aside, you sound unhappy and talking to someone about this and getting the right help first and foremost is vital. You can't deal with your diet until you deal with who you are on the inside - there is a reason for this over-eating and you need to find out what that reason is and deal with. My non-professional opinion thinks you may be making up for the lack of alcohol with food and I mean absolutely no disrespect when I say that. You have successfully given up a very addictive substance and it doesn't sound like you have dealt with your 'addiction issues' - just the substance itself. Please book yourself an appointment and from there, you can make a start on your weight loss goals.
  • MelissaLong1984
    MelissaLong1984 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you to everyone. I have gotten a counselor and am working through a lot. Thank for the kind words and encouragement.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    This is not in lieu of seeing a counselor, but something you can do in addition to seeing someone. Start doing other things, anything, even little things. Read about a topic that interests you. Better yet, read about it standing up, or walking around. If you don't have a topic of interest, study the psychology and physiology of addiction. Make a list of stuff that needs done around your house, and do those things. Take your cell phone for a walk and take pictures of anything that interests you, or just take selfies and document your weight loss. Write about your weight loss, or write about anything. Pick a hobby, or be an exercise bike potato and just watch movies while you pedal.

    The good thing about your situation is that any activity you add to your life is a step in the right direction. Oh, and congratulations on moving so quickly on finding a counselor!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    I am not new but have been struggling for what seems years. I have gained so much weight and every day I tell myself today is the day. I meal prep, pack up my workout clothes and head out the door. By mid afternoon I am snacking on crap and thinking of way to get out of working out. I really believe I have an addiction with food. I am a recovering alcoholic with 18 months sober and 40+ pounds heavier. I sneak eating food when I out running errands, I will talk my boyfriend into going and getting nice cream, and when he is not home I will eat nonstop. I have no close friends and no hobbies. I know I am depressed and lonely, but don't know how to handle it all. I'm not sure what to do. I know I don't was to gain any more weight, and that I want to be happy. But how do I get there??

    You know you have an overeating problem - but it's not a food addiction. The bolded statement above is your subconscious telling you what the problem is... now it's time to get some therapy to work through that problem. Chronic overeating is often a mask for the inability to face some other problem.
    The fact that you mention your recovery issue makes me wonder if you've turned to food to replace alcohol as the thing you're dependent on. Similar to the way that smokers replace their habitual cigarettes with snacks.
    Again, I really think therapy, whether in a one-on-one or group setting, is going to be your best bet. If you are comfortable with the group setting, that might help you with your feelings of loneliness, as well.
    You're not alone.
  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    bhw2412 wrote: »
    Aside from the other comments suggesting therapy for the long-standing issues, could you be eating out of boredom? I am a big boredom eater myself and it's very common

    I am a big-time boredom eater. My advice is to get a hobby and a Kindle, lol. For me, sewing and reading are a big help to avoid overeating. In the past year, I've sewing numerous dresses for myself and my daughters and discovered new authors to fall in love with. And I've dropped 39 pounds, too.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    PokeyBug wrote: »
    bhw2412 wrote: »
    Aside from the other comments suggesting therapy for the long-standing issues, could you be eating out of boredom? I am a big boredom eater myself and it's very common

    I am a big-time boredom eater. My advice is to get a hobby and a Kindle, lol. For me, sewing and reading are a big help to avoid overeating. In the past year, I've sewing numerous dresses for myself and my daughters and discovered new authors to fall in love with. And I've dropped 39 pounds, too.

    Another recreational eater here! Even when I'm happy, not lonely, and seemingly well adjusted, food is great entertainment.

    Sewing, knitting, and reading have worked for me too. Plus, I can alter a lot of the clothes that are too big for me.

  • coco_bee
    coco_bee Posts: 173 Member
    Oh my heart goes out to you Melissa. You say you want to be happy and I guess part of being happy is taking control of what we eat, exercising to feel better emotionally and mentally and as a result having a slimmer body, yes? Mindful or "intuitive" eating is the only way I could get any control over binges. I no longer binge. Helps to not have the triggers in your home. Mindful eating, meditation, exercise program (dont wait for motivation, self-discipline is the key). Please feel free to add me if you need further support. I went on this course which included these meditations. At first I was doubtful thinking pfft meditation doesnt work - but for me it did: