Boot Camps & Calories Burned...


I participate in a local boot camp program - you know, those 1-hour classes mostly taken outside that involve a heavy mix of cardio and strength training. And, I am trying to figure out how to enter this into my exercise report of My Fitness Pal. The only thing comparable I can find is 60 minutes of high impact aerobics.

Does anyone have a good estimate of calories burned from these type of programs? With the popularity of boot camp exercise programs out there, it would be nice to have this type of option in the "exercise" search tool.



  • MellowYellowGem
    MellowYellowGem Posts: 120 Member
    Would it be more like circuit training? That's a bit of everything - think it's on the data base.
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    When I did boot camp I entered it as Circuit training.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    It would be hard to enter it into the database because boot camps vary in what activities are included in each session. I'd use either "weight training" or "circuit training."
  • Roo1026
    Roo1026 Posts: 31 Member
    I log boot camp as circuit training also. :glasses:
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I do boot camp and it varies greatly by class.
    I am 5'5", 199 (ouch hahaha) and I use my HRM to track my burn.
    I have burned as little as 450 doing weights and as much as 900 doing running/stadiums.
    On average, it's usually 650 to 750 for an hour. But really depends.
    My favorite workouts though!!! :)
    (just looked in database on circuit and high impact aerobics and both are close. Aerobics is less calories (for me), so I'd go with the lesser of the two)
  • amw8675309
    amw8675309 Posts: 95 Member
    i also enter mine as circuit training
  • westo22
    westo22 Posts: 76 Member
    I would purchase a heart rate monitor and make an educated guess of how much was cardio and how much was weight training.
  • smbrooks404
    smbrooks404 Posts: 24 Member
    Awesome! I will enter as circuit training (I didn't even think of that). And, I think a heart rate monitor will be a good purchase as well.
