Water, Water and MORE Water

I am curious as to what people have to say about drinking water beyond the "recommended" 8 - 8 oz glasses a day. I usually drink at least 62 oz but sometimes a bit more if I work out. I see some people drinking LOTS of water and I know it is important but want to know what the benefit is of so much?
Because, hey....if raising my water intake will help me loose, I'm allllll over it!

Thanks in advance everyone! :happy:


  • Scheherazadea
    I'm on Atkins so I need to drink water. The great thing about water is it really fills me up and curbs the appetite! :-)

    How much water you drink also depends on what your salt intake is like. So, if you're eating a lot of processed foods and such, you should probably be having more water to help keep you hydrated.
  • jozzierdgz
    jozzierdgz Posts: 60 Member
    I think what helps me the most with my weight loss is all of the water I drink... I have lost 31 lbs so far and will barely start exercising at the gym tomorrow.... I drink about 100+ ounces of water a day, it helps remove any water weight and is keeping my appetite down and is overall helping me... My skin glows more, I know longer crave junk food... I can't even drink soda anymore... I hate the taste... I consume 100% water all throughout the day and nothing more
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    One of the popular blogs today explains the benefits of water!


    I aim for 100oz a day. Every day. Many days I drink more than that. Some days, far less (today I only got about 40oz in :ohwell:)
    The more I drink, the better I feel. I am actually happier and have more energy on high water days. I do not feel bogged down or waterlogged like I've heard some folks claim. I love water, and choose it as a drink as often as I can (I love milk too, it's hard to say no!)
  • bluecutipy
    bluecutipy Posts: 35 Member
    Drinking water is suppose to help curb your appetite. I also keeps you hydrated, but be careful because drinking too much water can lead to a condition known as water intoxication. The kidneys of a healthy adult can process fifteen liters of water a day! You are unlikely to suffer from water intoxication, even if you drink a lot of water, as long as you drink over time as opposed to in taking an enormous volume at one time. As a general guideline, most adults need about three quarts of fluid each day. Much of that water comes from food, so 8-12 eight ounce glasses a day is a common recommended intake. You may need more water if the weather is very warm or very dry, if you are exercising, or if you are taking certain medications.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    You would have to drink a VERY large amount of water in order to get water intoxication.

    I usually am around the 13 cups a day, so 104 ounces. In the summer when I'm riding a lot, it isn't unheard of for me to drink upwards of 18-20 glasses throughout the day.

    I don't really see much of a difference with my appetite with drinking water versus not drinking water, but I know it is good for me so I continue to drink it. :)
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Here in Aus it's recommended for 2L of water a day, more if you're exercising. I struggle to get the 2L unless I set an alarm every half hour and chug from my 1L bottle. I also find that drinking while exercising (cardio especially) gives me a stitch and makes me stop, so I drink heaps when I'm finished my workout.
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    I follow the "make sure your pee is light yellow or clear" rule :)
  • TonysMiss
    TonysMiss Posts: 128 Member
    Thanks for all your replies!! I'm working on increasing my intake now. I usually drink about 3 24oz bottles a day. Trying to up it to 4.....good grief, peeing is a problem! lol I have to time it right otherwise I am really uncomfortable by the time I get home from work! :drinker:
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    The frequent trips to the bathroom get better the more you regularly drink your water. Trust me. I used to make a trip every half hour, during the work day, now it's just a couple times a day.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    The frequent trips to the bathroom get better the more you regularly drink your water. Trust me. I used to make a trip every half hour, during the work day, now it's just a couple times a day.

    I thought it would never get better for me. I used to go every 35 mins like clockwork. It annoyed me so much! Now that I think about it, I only go about 2-3 times in an 8hr period, so it has definitely gotten easier as my body got used to it!! :)

    PS. The color pee 'rule' is a great tool. If your pee has color, drink more water!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    TMI Warning:

    I drank four bottles of water (20oz bottle) in like two hours today, then puked. It was gross.
    Make sure you pace yourself, that's all I have to say.