When people shove junk food in your face...

ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
what do you do?? Am I the only one that thinks this is incredibly rude? I ask because this morning, I went into the breakroom to make some whole wheat toast and peanut butter. I saw a lovely box of amaaazing looking donuts on the table. I instantly started arguing in my head about whether or not I should eat one. I decided not to, but the whole time I was waiting for my toast it was a back and forth with myself. In the few minutes I was in there, literally 3 seperate people walked in and out, and each one told me I should eat a donut. "What are you DOING? There's donuts!" "You should get a donut, they're REALLY good!" "Get a donut Nicole!" WTF!! I know most people don't know that I'm trying to lose weight, or even to just be healthier. But really, would it be acceptable for me to go up to them when they're eating their cheeseburger and fries and say "What are you DOING? Eat this broccoli!!!" I doubt it. I just smiled and said no thanks to each one of them, but wow the frustration.


  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I have been known to throw the entire box of donuts away (when no one's looking, of course), just to avoid having these conversations...
  • congresta77
    congresta77 Posts: 31 Member
    Been there and it sucks!! It's even worse when they know you are trying to watch your weight and eat the right things and they still ask if you want one... grrrrrrrrr!! Glad you were able to stave off the temptation ;-P
  • sunnyrunner23
    sunnyrunner23 Posts: 182 Member
    You are right it is SO rude when people comment on how other people are eating!

    I love that she threw the donuts away!!!
  • TonysMiss
    TonysMiss Posts: 128 Member
    I have been known to throw the entire box of donuts away (when no one's looking, of course), just to avoid having these conversations...
    hahahahahaha........that's too funny
  • fuminator18
    fuminator18 Posts: 89 Member
    it was a National Doughnut Day, can you believe there is such a day?
  • It is very flustrating! My dad and mom are constantly trying to get me to eat unhealthy foods. Not because they dont care, but because they like to see that im eating enough. Thats the kind of family we are, we love food. But I just tell them no and adventually he stops. Sometimes I will cave but only if its not totally bad for me. It makes both of us happy :)
  • I implimented a healthy eating snack schedule in my office....3x/wk someone is responsibly for bringing in something healthy...it has worked very well. We have had everything from a large fruit salad to a healthier version of spinach dip and toasted pita bread....maybe this will work for you, good luck!
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I would respond with "I hope that doughnut goes right to your *kitten*....now go to hell."
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    First off, only a few months ago, I would have wished I had that problem, no-one ever offered food at work. Secondly, just either laugh along with them, or ignore them, knowing, smugly, that you're improving your health whilst they're taking in all that processed sugar at once.
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    I just smile sweetly and say "maybe later," and later never comes.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    This happens all the time. One time we had all this cake and pie left over from a party and this guy came to my desk w/ 2 plates and really huge slices of pie and cake. LIKE REALLY! I should have flipped them over on him LOL. Let me stop I gotta maintain my happy love walk in this fitness venture. Next time I will throw my bran cereal or a boiled egg at him. Okay that's not nice either is it. I kind of felt sad yesterday when my cube neighbor ate nothing but mountain dew, pop tarts, and doritos, but who am I to tell her what she should and should not eat.
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    Uggggghhhh! I feel your pain!!! I get this every day from my husband, and even more when I see my family! Good job on resisting. Stay strong! I know you can!!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I often get "you've lost over 40 pounds; don't you think you deserve a treat"......luckily, I do not like doughnuts, so this is not an issue for me, but I LOVE bagels...they are my breakfast-food weakness
  • TonysMiss
    TonysMiss Posts: 128 Member
    I work for a single doctor practice and there is only 4 of us total.....thankfully we all eat pretty healthy. We do have a "newer" member to our crew who is young and still eating garbage but I'm rubbing off on her. She is replacing candy in her drawer to cucumbers and peppers in the fridge. (She started out saying she HATED veggies) Our "treats" here for the most part stick to 4x a year when it's our birthdays and we have these AMAZING cupcakes. haha
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    it was a National Doughnut Day, can you believe there is such a day?

    Yes, I can believe it. We're still living in a world that doesn't know enough about nutrition to know how many calories (and everything else) each piece of food was and how much you need. I know I didn't untill I started here. I reckon it should be taught in schools.
  • 06mach1
    06mach1 Posts: 6
    lol Just be sarcastic, "oh shoot! You're kidding...I've been standing here for five minutes and never noticed those! But thank you for alerting me to their presence. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!"

    Just kidding. Although healthy eating is swiftly on the rise, it's still odd in our country that people deny themselves junk food. People are still ignorant. I was! So I just smile and politely decline.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I know! drives me nuts. Especially at Christmas time... Here have a dainty....no thanks.... oh come on have one...No thanks I'm good... They're REALLY good... I'm sure they are.... Just have one I baked them myself.... I DONT WANT ONE THANK YOU!. Really I want to eat the whole freaking plate of them and then punch you in the face!! Grrrrrr!!!!!
  • fridaysgal
    fridaysgal Posts: 37
    I work in an office where every day seems to be doughnut day, cake day, candy day and occasionally even potluck treat day, and people do nag you to eat the crap and it seems even worse once they know you're trying to make lifestyle changes, subconsciously sabotaging you're hard work! Not only does this make you feel deprived in some ways, but also makes you feel left out from being one of the gang.

    You were strong and made the healthy choice....cheers to you!
  • OrganicGal
    OrganicGal Posts: 15
    First off let me just say, "LadyBug" you already look great so if you did sneak the occasional BITE of a donut, you'd still look amazing I'm sure. LOL I've been on your end of things many, many times because I'm a vegetarian and I try to only eat organic. I find when people are "shoving" foods my way it's usually for the fact that they either A) Don't understand that I'm not interested in that food; B) have made it and want to have the praise associated with something tasting good and making themself feel good; or C) they are miserable with themself so they want company and the more people they can convince to "eat the donut" the less miserable they will feel. I tend to shove back on occasion and bring in a healthier version of something equally as yummy, but made to my specifications. They can either try it or not. Makes no difference to me. I then have a wholesome, delicious treat that I can eat without guilt. On those occasions when this is not possible...baby shower, wedding, birthday, etc. I choose the healthiest thing to eat at the event. Sometimes that's a glass of water. LOL It's all about choice. We choose to do what's best for us! Hang in there LadyBug!
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    it was a National Doughnut Day, can you believe there is such a day?

    THAT'S FUNNY!!!! When I went to Dunkin this morning to order my EVERYDAY egg white wake up wrap and coffee with skim milk/splenda, the girl (who waits on my EVERY morning) "It's National Doughnut Day! Would you like a doughnut?"

    "ummmmm...no thank you....i don't think that really belongs with what I'm getting...."
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