New Start

DJLS81 Posts: 12 Member
So after many months of ignoring any kind of dieting enough is enough i've decided to make sure that I do actually use this site to track my calorie intake and weight loss.

I've already planned out the meals I am going to eat and also costed them all out along with setting them up on here to make the input nice and easy, I have a fair few meals made up and in the freezer already, annoyingly I can't fit any more in for now but i've managed to get it all in at least.

I need to weigh myself tomorrow to get a new starting weight then i'll be weighing in every Sunday. An entire days worth of food is pretty much on point as to what I should have, well its 26 under but that's next to nothing.

Not entirely sure what weight loss goal i'm going for as yet.


  • Melita666
    Melita666 Posts: 8 Member
    Take it one step at a time. You've started which is the most important step!