


  • Samm471
    Samm471 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm gonna tell you this right now and I hope you listen. You and no one else need protein shakes. Drop them from your diet. Absolutely serious.

    I take them because it's a quick source of protein if I'm in a rush or heading out the door I don't exactly have time to stand and wait for chicken to cook, it takes literally 2 minutes to grab a shake that's the only reason I take them not for any health benefits or anything like that
  • M30834134
    M30834134 Posts: 411 Member
    I'm gonna tell you this right now and I hope you listen. You and no one else need protein shakes. Drop them from your diet. Absolutely serious.

    I need them. Absolutely serious.
  • Samm471
    Samm471 Posts: 432 Member
    MasterVal wrote: »
    I'm gonna tell you this right now and I hope you listen. You and no one else need protein shakes. Drop them from your diet. Absolutely serious.

    I need them. Absolutely serious.

    I second this absolutely serious lol!!
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I'm gonna tell you this right now and I hope you listen. You and no one else need protein shakes. Drop them from your diet. Absolutely serious.

    The reason being? Please enlighten us.
  • nezza_93
    nezza_93 Posts: 7 Member
    I am curious to. I never seem to get enough protein so I am considering adding a protein powder to my morning smoothie.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    I'm gonna tell you this right now and I hope you listen. You and no one else need protein shakes. Drop them from your diet. Absolutely serious.

    Do you eat meat, sir?
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm gonna tell you this right now and I hope you listen. You and no one else need protein shakes. Drop them from your diet. Absolutely serious.

    I've drank protein shakes every single day for the past 5 years. Literally every day, and most days i take more than one. Don't listen to this guy, every single person in the fitness world takes protein shakes. He clearly doesn't even lift anyhow so he wouldn't understand protein needs.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    brdnw wrote: »
    I'm gonna tell you this right now and I hope you listen. You and no one else need protein shakes. Drop them from your diet. Absolutely serious.

    I've drank protein shakes every single day for the past 5 years. Literally every day, and most days i take more than one. Don't listen to this guy, every single person in the fitness world takes protein shakes. He clearly doesn't even lift anyhow so he wouldn't understand protein needs.

    But we all want to hear his pseudo/bro science reasoning!

    Seriously though, protein shakes are fine. I get my protein from a variety of sources, including protein powder. Instead of having sweets, I have protein shakes. Better from both a taste and nutritional standpoint. I have had zero issues thus far.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Samm471 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Samm471 wrote: »
    Why do so many people get hung up on macros then if it has nothing to do with it

    they are important to nutrition....but people do get too hung up on them IMO...they're good to be generally aware of in RE to your nutrition and balancing your diet...they can also impact fitness performance and recovery...but all of that is separate from weight management...there's more to eating well and being healthy and fit than weight management...weight management is but a singular element of health and wellness.

    trying to hit macros bang on is over the top IMO and completely unnecessary for anything.

    I always always get hung up on hitting macros to the pont it stresses me out! What do you think about maintaining. This is a whole new ball game for me so I was wondering if it really is possible to lose fat slowly while gaining muscle doing a recomp? I just don't want to be doing this over time for nothing if it won't work? I'm at 122lbs now I simply don't want to keep cutting to lose my fat I don't want to be skinny it's not the look I was aiming for & I'm already below my goal weight by 4lbs. Also what do you think about eating more cals on days of lifting and less on days of rest. I ask because you seem to know your stuff & your answers are helping me a lot. Thanks :)

    of course recomp is possible...but i don't personally see it as a deliberate act like bulking or cutting...i see it as a bi-product of good livin' and eating well and exercising regularly. a fitness body is derived from living that kind of lifestyle over time...lots of time...

    the problem many people have is that they want to look like X right patience. i'm not talking about a few weeks or months...we're talking years of work, and really a lifetime of work...that's the way you have to look at it.
  • Samm471
    Samm471 Posts: 432 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Samm471 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Samm471 wrote: »
    Why do so many people get hung up on macros then if it has nothing to do with it

    they are important to nutrition....but people do get too hung up on them IMO...they're good to be generally aware of in RE to your nutrition and balancing your diet...they can also impact fitness performance and recovery...but all of that is separate from weight management...there's more to eating well and being healthy and fit than weight management...weight management is but a singular element of health and wellness.

    trying to hit macros bang on is over the top IMO and completely unnecessary for anything.

    I always always get hung up on hitting macros to the pont it stresses me out! What do you think about maintaining. This is a whole new ball game for me so I was wondering if it really is possible to lose fat slowly while gaining muscle doing a recomp? I just don't want to be doing this over time for nothing if it won't work? I'm at 122lbs now I simply don't want to keep cutting to lose my fat I don't want to be skinny it's not the look I was aiming for & I'm already below my goal weight by 4lbs. Also what do you think about eating more cals on days of lifting and less on days of rest. I ask because you seem to know your stuff & your answers are helping me a lot. Thanks :)

    of course recomp is possible...but i don't personally see it as a deliberate act like bulking or cutting...i see it as a bi-product of good livin' and eating well and exercising regularly. a fitness body is derived from living that kind of lifestyle over time...lots of time...

    the problem many people have is that they want to look like X right patience. i'm not talking about a few weeks or months...we're talking years of work, and really a lifetime of work...that's the way you have to look at it.

    Well I would like to start bulking and cutting one day but I thought I would be best to maintain/recomp right now to lower my body fat but I can't wait till I can bulk and cut :) I understand it takes years and dedication and patience I'm new to it all but I really would like to give it a try and see just how good I can get my body to look in years to come. I think the main thing I worry about is if I'm eating at the right times and things like I know to eat carbs after workout and stuff but I'm sure there's still a few things I do wrong or a few things I shouldn't be doing