Improve my health

hi everyone
I'm really after some friends, help or tips on how to loose and maintain weigh lose, I recently went to the doctor and was told I'm obese, I weigh 81kgs and 158cm, I really want to loose 15kgs. Doctor has put me on 1300 cal diet. Any help would be great. I also walk 30mins a day.


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Well done on the daily walking - this is going to help with your goals and your mental wellbeing. It's amazing what a bit of exercise can do for the mind as well as the body! Keep it up, track what you eat and allow yourself the odd treat here and there. Eventually you may even find your fitness levels allow you to do more exercises! Good luck :D
  • kevinmcfadden464
    kevinmcfadden464 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, I have just started using this app and I'm a week in and 5lbs lighter. Feel free to add me as I think the more friends/support you have it has got to be a help. I've lost a little weight just be counting my food intake and consciously trying to introduce more walking and excercise. I have done the fad diets and it always goes wrong. This time I'm going to eat normal food but just moderate my calories and do exercise. Good luck!
  • Leslimorrison1
    Leslimorrison1 Posts: 4 Member
    Thankyou to you both :-) I hope you both don't mind I sent you both a request