It's a bit difficult

Last week I completely stop going to the gym. I feel like i always start but I can never keep going. I started to slack off and then I'm back to square one again. Can anyone tell me how you started and what kept you from never quitting?


  • JeffBrown3
    JeffBrown3 Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome!! I just wanted to add, if you can hang in there for 30 days, it becomes habit and much less like a struggle. Good luck to you!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I find it is a mental thing - stop letting it be optional. If you don't feel like going to work, do you just not go? Of course not, it's your job. You go whether you want to or not. Make this the same.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I don't particularly like going to the gym - I'd much rather stay at home and read a book. That wasn't going to help me get to my goals and my goals are important to me so that alone helps me go to the gym. It's not going to be easy and you'll need to find your willpower but it doesn't have to be dreaded. Find exercises you enjoy doing!

    You're doing this for a healthier, happier *you* so keep that at the forefront of your mind whenever you feel like skipping it! :)
  • Julissaflores45
    Julissaflores45 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you everyone. It Is going to be a long journey but now I have some idea as what I *should* do for myself. I just have to hang in there.
  • ariesfireangel
    ariesfireangel Posts: 30 Member
    Yeah I am extremely anti gym. To me I think it's a lot easier to keep going work out wise if you have variety. I mean who wants to get up every day and go to the gym to do the exact same thing over and over? Its boring. Maybe only go to the gym a few days a week and pick other activities for the days in between like going on hikes at the park or playing tennis or bike riding. Just something enjoyable that's still keeping you active.
  • Air_Hellair
    Air_Hellair Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2015
    Here's what worked for me.

    I recognized that I will not always feel like working out. My resistance to working out fuels my resistance to going to the gym. So I challenged myself: go to the gym. Just dress up and go. If I get to the gym and I still feel like I just can't bring myself to workout, I have permission to go home.

    I've never taken the "go home" option. Not once in these 15 months. And I've never regretted a single workout.

    Just...go. Good luck!

    EDIT: Same thing goes for when I'm working out at home (I have a recumbent bike.) If I dress up and climb on the bike, pretty soon I'm working out. But I've given myself permission to stop early if I'm just not feeling it. Hasn't happened once!
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    I dont even got to the gym...I workout at home. Due to the fact I have extreme anxiety and I dont want anyone seeing me workout...Even just a 30 minute video and staying within or below your calorie range you'll still lose weight.