Geeky gamer girl looking for new friends to join this epic and perilous journey!



  • jbouton40
    jbouton40 Posts: 54 Member
    Geek all the way.. computer programmer I am. Feel free to add me. Have you seen Mr Robot. Awesome
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @enkiemonkey That is awesome! Civilization is a lot of fun and I've played it quite a bit with friends. Don't' know that I'm good at it but I have a blast regardless hehe Added :smiley:

    @SeriouslySta Wow, congrats on your losses so far! That's definitely an inspiration for me, considering that my first major loss was a couple years ago (about 35lbs over 6 months) and Ive gained about 15lb of that back >.< But hey, I started to do it once, I know full well I can get there again ;) Adding you!

    @SongDragon Hey nerd, geek or just generally an active and interested MFP'er are all welcome! I never got into tabletop gaming, definitely want to find a local group that can help a nub like me. Figured it was the last and most 'hardcore' kind of gaming that I could try hehe Sent a request your way :smile:

    @My_Butt Yesss another Batman lover! And actually that's an amazing mantra to have, I might have to do that myself. Never got into cosplay but I've always wanted to. Might have to try and think of something for Emerald City Con in Seattle, I go every year with my geek gals. Added!

    @andympanda Done and done! More geeks definitely brighten up my friends feed ;)

    @N3rdy_P3ngu1n You remind me of my latest hair stylist! She's a big nerd too, it was like finding a unicorn haha Glad you stopped by, hopefully you can find some more geeks and nerds to connect with. I fully understand the struggle to balance taking care of yourself and reaching those fitness/weight loss goals. Goodness knows I've spent 7 months stopping and starting. Just keep picking yourself up and you'll get there :smiley:

    @NJGamerChick Aww I totally get being shy, I'm much shyer IRL than I am online. Sending a request your way, love history as well! I'm much more of an ancient history nerd, but really I'll nerd over just about anything I can get my hands on XD

    @GetThatRunnersHigh Nerds are just as wanted and welcome ;) Congrats on reaching your goal, how's the body recomp been going for you? Love the idea that the fitness/health goals never really have to end. There's always another way to push yourself and break your limits. Adding!

    @jesuishennex Yay to gamers! It's a pretty rare treat to find fellow gamers who are also going on this journey, welcome :smiley:

    @deannaaaaaaaaa Another hobbit, internet five! Also congrats on a major loss so far, definitely gives me hope that C25K and 30DS could just be what the doctor ordered. I'd like to build myself up to doing P90X and Insanity, but I thought it would be a lot more manageable/encouraging if I started small. Goodness knows with my fitness level at the moment I'd break myself XD And yup I'm from Vancouver, hope you had a good time! I know I'm biased but I agree, it's a pretty awesome city. Sending a request your way!

    @jbouton40 Awesome, added :smiley: I only just heard about Mr. Robot over the weekend but I'm not gonna lie it looked intriguing. It's only just started, right? How did you like it so far?
  • jbouton40
    jbouton40 Posts: 54 Member
    Really good acting. Love it . On episode 9.
  • rbratt06
    rbratt06 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Haha, I love this. I consider myself a geek too. I love video games, board games, tabletop games, you name it! I also am into fantasy hardcore. I mean I take Hogwarts classes online. XD My fellow geeks, please add me!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @jbouton40 Ooooh didn't realize it was so far in! I'll definitely have to check it out this weekend :smiley:

    @rbratt06 Hogwarts classes exist? Haha that's amazing. Love fantasy big time as well, actually trying to explore more fantasy novels, been ages since I've properly read anything. Added!
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    You're welcome to add me if you want. I don't always post a lot on my profile, but if I see posts about games I'm playing, I'll probably chime in. ^_^
  • heathengirl
    heathengirl Posts: 8 Member
    Just thought I would mention the zombies run training app instead of doing c25K, you might enjoy the storyline and get a kick out of it
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Just thought I would mention the zombies run training app instead of doing c25K, you might enjoy the storyline and get a kick out of it

    Oh hell yes, it's awesome! It's the only reason I'm still walking now that my physed class is over! XD
  • danielleeu
    danielleeu Posts: 127 Member
    edited August 2015
    Nerd (more than gamer) books, Doctor Who, (have Firefly...haven't watched it yet...want to catch up on the Doctor before I watch don't yell at me, I know it should be a top priority, lol), zombie and post apocalypse (just finished a series of books that combined both with Dante's Inferno called "100 Days in Deadland" Series....highly recommend). Also, I too am a hobbit (at 5 foot and 1 inch....even born with Frodo's alias as my true last name...if that doesn't make me a hobbit, I don't know what will). And one of the main fitness goals is to run in a Zombie 5K. Feel free to add me, I can take all the motivation I can get! :smiley:
  • heyassbutt
    heyassbutt Posts: 2 Member
    Another hobbit checking in. :smiley:

    I do consider myself a geek/nerd but I'm told I hide my power level pretty well. I've been super into this French tv show called The Returned recently. I just finished the first season and am super exited for the second one. Oh and I'm one of those really annoying ASOIAF fans who are super critical of Game of Thrones.
    danielleeu wrote: »
    And one of the main fitness goals is to run in a Zombie 5K.

    How am I only finding out that this is a thing now???
  • rbratt06
    rbratt06 Posts: 2,984 Member
    FitGeekery wrote: »
    @rbratt06 Hogwarts classes exist? Haha that's amazing. Love fantasy big time as well, actually trying to explore more fantasy novels, been ages since I've properly read anything. Added!

    Yep, it's an online school called Hogwarts Is Here. They do things a bit differently though. You take the basic classes in Year 1 - Charms, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, etc. - then there are a bunch of electives you can take as well in Year 2 and 3 (some don't exist in the books). Then Year 4, you pick your "major" with classes to go along with those. I'm going to do Magizoology (the study of magical creatures). So, besides Care of Magical Creatures, there's also going to be classes like Creature Anatomy and Physiology, Magical Civics and Sociology, etc. It's legit business!

  • hybridtheory45
    hybridtheory45 Posts: 84 Member
    edited August 2015
    Regular girl turned more nerdy by my SUPER nerdy software developer husband. He does all the gaming (WoW, Diablo, Assassin's Creed, StarCraft, Star Wars (The Old Republic), etc, but our computers are right next to each other so I learned about them by osmosis. lol I also sat through the entirety of him playing Bioshock Infinite and loved watching the story unfold. I score points for my nerdy references he doesn't realize I've picked up. He's gotten me into Walking Dead, ASOIAF (another one here critical of Game of Thrones), and tons of post-apocalyptic books (most recently the Wool series. Really awesome!) He has also gotten me into all of the superhero movies-Thor, Superman, Batman (SO nervous about Ben Affleck as Batman, amirite?), Avengers, Captain America, etc.

    The thing I've always geeked out about on my own is English history, specifically the Tudor period, as well as immediately before and after. Obsessed.
  • Kexessa
    Kexessa Posts: 346 Member
    What, no Star Trek:TNG?? :D

    I haven't really ever met a game I didn't like. Except maybe Landmark from Daybreak Games (formerly Sony Online Entertainment).

    Console or PC? I'm PC.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @dubird Sounds lovely! More gamers are always wanted and welcome hehe, sending a request your way

    @heathengirl I actually have Zombies, Run and recently got the 5K trainer. Despite the weather turning to poop around here, still been thinking about using that instead of the normal C25K trainer hehe

    @danielleeu I've never watched Doctor Who, probably because I'm OCD and I'd want to watch it from the literal beginning and... whoooo 20+ years to watch seems a bit crazy haha Still on my bucket list though! I'll have to check out the post apocalyptic series you'd mentioned. I love movies and tv shows but have yet to really dig into the literature side of things.

    @heyassbutt Oooh what's the show about? And yay for more hobbits XD Always nice to gauge experiences with people who are in similar places. Adding :smiley:

    @rbratt06 Omg that sounds like a lot of fun! I was really into the Harry Potter fandom back in the day :smiley:

    @hybridtheory45 Haha geekiness by osmosis, that's one of the best things I've heard XD English history nerd, nice! Definitely interested in that era as well, sending a request your way!

    @Kexessa Star Trek: Next Generation was my childhood! Never missed an episode and watched with my entire family. And now that makes me itch to watch it XD Added!
  • NicolaMichelle93
    NicolaMichelle93 Posts: 685 Member
    edited August 2015
    Another hobbit here. :)
    Huge nerdy geek checking in. I'm a research scientist, love marvel, GOT, arrow, doctor who, Sherlock, Lotr, Harry Potter fan.. The list is too huge, I may be here until the zombie apocalypse naming them all. XD

    I trial run, sprint train and lift heavy things. Like to think I'm Wonder Woman in training. Wish I was that badass XD anyone feel free to add me. Would love some more geeky friends :)
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    Fellow nerd! Join the fellowship! :love: Will send you a request ^_^
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @NicolaMichelle93 I can't believe how many scientists are on here, I'm nerding out just thinking about it XD And I love that, Wonder Woman in training! Added ;)

    @Faithful_Chosen Sweet, accepted it. Haha love it, joining the fellowship. It's always nice to have more hobbits on my list haha
  • ljs385
    ljs385 Posts: 44 Member
    Slight geek over here :)

    Love most things sci-fi: Firefly, Star Trek (esp DSN and Original), Defiance, Dr Who, and all of Marvel :blush:
    I love reading and favourite authors are Peter F. Hamilton, George R.R. Martin (though I'm worried he'll die before he finishes the series!), and Stephen King.

    I'm a bit of a gamer. Currently playing Skyrim which I will finish..... maybe, It's just so time consuming and I get distracted by mini quests.
  • Kexessa
    Kexessa Posts: 346 Member
    ljs385 wrote: »
    Slight geek over here :)

    Love most things sci-fi: Firefly, Star Trek (esp DSN and Original), Defiance, Dr Who, and all of Marvel :blush:
    I love reading and favourite authors are Peter F. Hamilton, George R.R. Martin (though I'm worried he'll die before he finishes the series!), and Stephen King.

    I'm a bit of a gamer. Currently playing Skyrim which I will finish..... maybe, It's just so time consuming and I get distracted by mini quests.

    I would have gotten further in Skyrim if I hadn't spent all my time going to my house to harvest plants and stuff from my greenhouse that I absolutely did not need. And trying to catch those last bees stuck in the ceiling.

  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    ljs385 wrote: »
    Slight geek over here :)

    Love most things sci-fi: Firefly, Star Trek (esp DSN and Original), Defiance, Dr Who, and all of Marvel :blush:
    I love reading and favourite authors are Peter F. Hamilton, George R.R. Martin (though I'm worried he'll die before he finishes the series!), and Stephen King.

    I'm a bit of a gamer. Currently playing Skyrim which I will finish..... maybe, It's just so time consuming and I get distracted by mini quests.
