Looking for support

Hello! My name is Aubrey and I'm looking for friends/support from fellow MyFitnessPal users. This is my second time to use this app and I did well but have put the weight I lost back on and could use some support with doing it again


  • rainah84
    rainah84 Posts: 42 Member
    You can do it!! I just recently joined MFP, great way to keep disciplined and realize everyone has, what they call,'cheat days'. I've recently been horrible tracking what I eat, hopefully we'll get thru this journey together!
  • phillypretzel
    phillypretzel Posts: 11 Member
    Using this app has kept me accountable for the first time in my life. I used to think that I wasn't overeating. Guess what? I was WAY off base. Now, I track every morsel that goes in my mouth. So far it's working. Plus, I track all my exercise to see how much I burned per day/week.
  • turbogirl68
    turbogirl68 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys! This is my third time using this APP. I used it religiously to lose 40
  • boardergirl84
    boardergirl84 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I've been using this app on and off for about a year. I need some serious accountability about what I eat! I need to get s few things under control (like sodium and sugar which hide everywhere!) and would love some support also.