Any vegans?

:) Hey

I'm f/22/looking to maintain my weight, but am interested in seeing what other vegans eat. I'm struggling atm to get enough protein even though I'm caning the peanut butter. And feel kinda tired a fair bit of the time, but wanna run another half marathon. If anyone's in a similar boat, please give me an add :) x


  • teramae
    teramae Posts: 78 Member
    Trying to go vegan after 16 years of being a vegetarian. I also run...but have not done a half marathon. I was really fatigued and found out my iron levels were quite low. We did not test my B12, but I suspect that was low as well. I started supplements for both and within a week felt much better. Running improved, fatigue improved, mind clearer. I had to start being mindful of not eating things that block iron absorption while I was eating iron containing foods. Happy to chat anytime!
  • ericGold15
    ericGold15 Posts: 318 Member
    There is a very long list of reasons for feeling 'kinda tired.' Your diet may or may not have anything to do with your particular problem. I am vegan for ~ 40 years with occasional milk products and have never had nutrition related problems. However, one can eat a balanced Vegan diet, or one can eat candy or something in between.

    If you want to include some screening blood tests as part of a general evaluation, consider TSH, CBC, Chem7, Mg, PO4 and Albumin. Skip the Fe/folate/B12 tests unless you are found to be anemic or have abnormal RBC indices.

    Good luck with your 1/2 marathon!