anybody in the same boat

hey today is my first day on the site and i was just checking out who else might be on here. i have always struggled with my weight but usually stayed around 160 lbs however as of this morning my weight is 187.2 lbs!!! so needless to say the clothes aren't really fitting and on most days i feel miserable. on top of all that i am getting married in april and i really want to slim down and get trim! so its time for a change... hopefully one that will last! any other brides-to-be out there?


  • tmbish82
    hey today is my first day on the site and i was just checking out who else might be on here. i have always struggled with my weight but usually stayed around 160 lbs however as of this morning my weight is 187.2 lbs!!! so needless to say the clothes aren't really fitting and on most days i feel miserable. on top of all that i am getting married in april and i really want to slim down and get trim! so its time for a change... hopefully one that will last! any other brides-to-be out there?
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Hello I'm getting married in June...Congratulations to you:flowerforyou: :drinker: ......and welcome :flowerforyou: You are in the right place. You will get lots of support here :drinker: Here are a threads that have a lot of helpful info in them:

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • jsturgeon
    tmbish82, i hear ya loud and clear! First congrats on the wedding. Second i can imagine the desire to loose weight for the big event. I have been feeling down about myself because a few of my friends are losing weight and looking good - i am happy for them - but disgusted with myself. I figure the only thing to do is - take control. my friend sent me this site - he is major cut and told me he'd help me get there. i think these chats are great and will help us big time. I weigh 170lbs and want to get back to my 130lbs.
  • tmbish82
    hey kellch... thanks! congrats on your wedding too! :happy: i am already loving this site! it looks like it is going to be so helpful and filled with support! i really wanted a place where i could keep track of how i am eating and workouts but also connect with other people. how long have you been using the site?
  • medalia
    medalia Posts: 6 Member
    Hello I am new here too and enjoying the tracking tools along with my Wii Fit tracker its really helping me see results already! I hope to meet others to cheer each other on!
  • jsturgeon
    i like the wii fit... just got it so its all new... i need to get into a routine - set time everyday.. do you have a fav activity?
  • mbb8682
    mbb8682 Posts: 262 Member
    Congrats on your wedding you can do anything you put your mind to.
    What i do is every morning I plan out my food for the day and enter it on the calorie intake so I know exactly where I stand for the day. I di this every morning also with the exercise and if the next day I need to change something either I ate more than I put down or exercised more than normal.

    So good luck and best wishes on the wedding.
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    hey kellch... thanks! congrats on your wedding too! :happy: i am already loving this site! it looks like it is going to be so helpful and filled with support! i really wanted a place where i could keep track of how i am eating and workouts but also connect with other people. how long have you been using the site?

    Thanks :flowerforyou: Well I signed up in 2007 and kind of played around with it. I lost 10 lbs. Then I fell off the wagon. Back in March my fiance proposed and in April I got serious again (I had already gained my 10lbs back:embarassed: plus 2 :ohwell: ) But since April, I've stuck to it for the most part. There have been times I've taken breaks and got sidetracked with the challenges life brings, but just because of the things I have learned here, even when I did "take a break", I was able to maintain. I haven't gained back (well until the holidays...I gained 2 lbs back...but that'll be gone in a week :bigsmile: first time I gained since I got serious about this and that is because I just allowed myself to indulge because I know trust myself to hop back on the wagon the next day) It was in May or June that I started playing on the forums and became addicted. It's the chatting and the friends I've met along the way that have kept me coming back. So I strongly suggest to any newbie on here to get in here and meet people. It makes you wanna come back and helps you stick to it. I've changed my goal a couple times. I've met my first goal I originally set for myself and was within 2lbs of the 2nd goal and decided I need to keep going. Babysteps for me:flowerforyou: I had terrible terrible eating habits and never worked out after high school. So it took a while for me to change my habits. I didn't learn them overnight, and I didn't expect to change them overnight. I haven't been as aggressive as I would have liked to have been. But the fact that what I have lost, I have been able to keep off, is what I love about this site. Like I said, even when I fell off, I managed to maintain. I was skinny through high school then after school and could eat what I wanted and never gained an ounce. People said I was too skinny. Then I went through an abusive relationship and went through major depression. I was up to over 200lbs. I lost some weight before I came to MFP over the course of 3-4 years. So very slowly on my own just by cutting back on portions and walking the dog. I was down to 168 when I came to MFP. I am now down to 135. I am in the high end of the healthy range on the BMI calculator. I'd like to be more toward the middle. But now I'm more about tone and muscle building than numbers on the scale. I don't care if I lose one pound a month. As long as I'm losing inches and seeing more definition. Which is what I've been seeing the past 2 or 3 months. Very little loss but I just bought a size 7/8 jeans on Sunday :drinker: I don't feel big I just want to be toned...not soft and flabby. After not working out for 10 years and eating poorly, I had actually lost muscle mass on top of building fat. So now here I am. down 65lbs total from what I was 6 years ago. Slowly seeing ab muscles and arm tone. It's taken a long time of on and off dieting, experimenting with different programs, and MFP is the one thing that I know I can continue on and not feel deprived. It is a lifelong program that I know I will stick to forever.

    So keep with it. This place has changed my life. :flowerforyou:
  • tmbish82
    What i do is every morning I plan out my food for the day and enter it on the calorie intake so I know exactly where I stand for the day. I di this every morning also with the exercise and if the next day I need to change something either I ate more than I put down or exercised more than normal.

    i so try to do this everyday! i am a super organized, nerd type :tongue: so i try to plan my day and my meals and stuff like that but the problem is a have a fiancee who is the complete opposite! so for example... last night i was on my way home from work when he sends a text asking if i was going to stop by his place. so then there was a dilema :frown: so needless to say my fish dinner and veggies that i had planned on eating went out the window and i had chocolate pancakes with sausage and eggs instead!! :ohwell: i have a fiancee who is fat and happy and loves to cook!!! what do i do with that?!?
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    What i do is every morning I plan out my food for the day and enter it on the calorie intake so I know exactly where I stand for the day. I di this every morning also with the exercise and if the next day I need to change something either I ate more than I put down or exercised more than normal.

    i so try to do this everyday! i am a super organized, nerd type :tongue: so i try to plan my day and my meals and stuff like that but the problem is a have a fiancee who is the complete opposite! so for example... last night i was on my way home from work when he sends a text asking if i was going to stop by his place. so then there was a dilema :frown: so needless to say my fish dinner and veggies that i had planned on eating went out the window and i had chocolate pancakes with sausage and eggs instead!! :ohwell: i have a fiancee who is fat and happy and loves to cook!!! what do i do with that?!?

    Portion Control is very important. It is ok to limit your intake of these things. But keep it in control. You may need to sit down and have a heart to heart with him. Tell him you are doing this for you and also so you can spend a loooonnnng happy life with him. You don't want it to end short because you made unhealthy choices. Also if you plan on having kids, tell him you need to be healthy for your pregnancy and you want to make sure your kids make healthy choices and live a long happy life too. Maybe he can make his stuff and prepare a salad with chicken breast or something healthy for you. Check out the recipes. There are some in there that I have made. My fiance couldn't even tell they were lowfat/low cal. You can eat yummy things that are good for you. And it is ok to treat yourself once in a while. If he loves you he will want you to be healthy and happy and will respect your wishes. Who knows, if you find some good lowfat recipes, maybe he'll lose some weight with you. :smokin: :flowerforyou:

    The main thing I have learned is portion control. I can still eat those things that I like. Within reason and of smaller portions. Good Luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • fionais
    Hi there. I've also just joined, and recently got engaged so know where you're coming from. I don't feel that I've got a huge amount of weight to lose, but have started to feel a bit unhealthy so thought I'd try this. It's great that it's a free resource when you need to pay for so many things like this. My problem is finding the motivation to exercise at the moment, here in Glasgow, Scotland it's dark from around 4pm until 8am and was minus 7 centigrade last night. I'm a member of a gym, but sometimes by the time I'm finished a long day at work all I want to do is go home to bowl of pasta!
  • mimi9463
    mimi9463 Posts: 33 Member
    Hang in there, we can do this. Look to the future and not what you used to be. Positive thinking helps.

    Created by - Free Food Journal
  • medalia
    medalia Posts: 6 Member
    i like the wii fit... just got it so its all new... i need to get into a routine - set time everyday.. do you have a fav activity?

    I am getting better at all the Yoga which I am really enjoying. As far as the games go, I like the balance games and the Step Aerobics so far. Everyday I unlock new activities and today got a challenge! My Wii age has come down a lot too!:laugh: