Whats wrong with me:(

knighty Posts: 62
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok so, i went from litterally doing nothing to doing 30-60 mins cardio a day burning on average of 500 calories a day, i weight 199, i also only eat 1200 -1500 calories a day, im only down too 185 and ive been stuck for 3 weeks at this weight. So i increased intensity, and im still stuck at this weight. I mean going from nothing to 1000 deficit a day has to do more than what it has any advise will help:(
more info, i drink nothing but water 5-8 16 oz a day, and i keep track of sodium


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    Eat those exercise calories or stay stuck. The choice is yours.
  • knighty
    knighty Posts: 62
    im so stuffed as it is seriously i feel like i eat to much after about 1400 calories gahh ill bust if i eat more
  • littlered301
    littlered301 Posts: 23 Member
    There is nothing wrong with you. I got stuck and after a few weeks things started to change again. But eat well, and eat enough. Good luck :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Eat those exercise calories or stay stuck. The choice is yours.

    This is honestly the worst advice I have ever heard.. if the poor girl is stuffed she should not be eating more!

    Honestly, its about your body and what works for you.. and if your have a hard time getting to 1400 calories, then don't eat all the freaking calories! Listen to your body and what its telling you... thats what really matters. Also, your muscles may be holding on to water.. so keep drinking that water and that water weight will come off.. promise!

    Also, hop off the scale for a month and see what happens. I was stuck at 170 for what seemed like ever, hopped off the scale for a month and lost 5 pounds.. it can help and the weight will come off. It just takes time!
  • niki108
    niki108 Posts: 65 Member
    How tall are you? I am 5'5 and weigh 192 and i only eat 1200 calories and im losing weight. What types of things are you eating? and please include condiments.
  • this is normal to stall out for a while trust me stick with it and the scale will move
  • beth736
    beth736 Posts: 12 Member
    try streanth traing get a dvd that may pull u off your stuckness
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    In same boat honey. At least you did not GAIN!!! Be proud of what you have lost. When I sent out my HELP cry, everyone told me to hang in there, watch my sodium, get in my water, eat the exercise calories, and stick with it. Sounds whacked, but you have to eat to lose. Good luck!!!
  • ljb16
    ljb16 Posts: 1
    Do you ever drink milk because your milk, of course as we all know, stengthens our bones. So if you drink at least a glass of milk a day(preferably after exercising) it will help to strengthen your bones leading to better exercise. I understand you want to loose weight, as so do I, but your bones will become weaker without milk making it harder to exercise. I am also there with you stuck at 184.5. If this tip doesn't help i am sorry but i figured since you ONLY drink water, that may be a cause.Good luck :)
  • knighty
    knighty Posts: 62
    ty, my muscles have been a little soar. Im keeping my hopes up:) AND i will not give up and i thought the hardest part was giveing up sugar and soda.. lol here goes:)
    im also 5'5
    as for what ive been eating ive been eating whole grains, no pasta or rice thu, no sugar fresh veggies not as much fruit as id hope to but i am working on a garden i hope that helps, also ive compleatly took out all and any drinks besides water and i drink skim milk, no liquid condements all thu i did try this spray 0 cal butter but i seen a post that shows its not 0 cals lol so no more of it
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Sounds like you are doing all the right things. I did not read over your diary, but the things you listed are great. Everyone says they have gone through times were NOTHING was happening or, worse yet, they gained before they started losing. Love that you are keeping your hopes up. You can do this!!!
  • falloner
    falloner Posts: 11
    Can't see your diary so these are just my 2c. Are you eating just at meal times or are you adding in snacks every 2 to three hours? I found it really helpful to me to keep my metabolism going by eating smaller meals and adding in snacks.

    Good luck and don't get discouraged. Everyones been there.
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