
Ok, so I'm back. I need to start working out or doing something again. I lost 10 pounds from January-March but then I got a really bad cold and just never came back from my break. It's been almost 6 months and I've managed to keep the 10 lbs off (woo!) But now I need to start working out again. I guess what I need help with is motivation. I lost my workout partner and without her, plus a lot of other changes going on, I'm finding it so much easier to make excuses to not work out even though I haven't even started. So I'm looking for someone to keep me in check.


  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    What kind of workouts do you prefer? Strength, cardio, bit of both?
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    Oh, also, home or gym? And what would you gauge your current fitness level to be? All the questions, sorry!
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    What are you doing right now?
    Get up, put on your gym clothes and go work out :smile: when you don't want too is when you have the best results! And make sure you mix it up... do everything you can think of! Take various classes, do challenges.. I do everything from MMA to dance to HIIT to spin to sculpt to lifting to good old fashioned elliptical. That way you never get bored!
  • MrPriolos
    MrPriolos Posts: 17 Member
    edited September 2015
    Welcome Back! good work on keeping it off!

    Start with walking. Get some fresh air and a routine. Start slow... add body weight squats and lunges after you get a routine, then add push ups etc...

    Just don't run off after a 6 month break and expect to bench press 300lb.