Just thought i would share

flabfighter31 Posts: 41 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I wish to thank all of the people who saw me through this week telling me to stick at it whic i did and i am delighted to say that i have lost 2pounds thank you sooo much guys its a great start to the weekend im off out tomorrow night i guess what i sliped on my fav LBD and it didn't fit its too big well im off out to buy a new one and for people who are about to tell me dont ruin it by drinking too much i dont drink and i will have already have had my dinner so no chipsn cheese or donner kababs for me i will stick to soda and lime and good old fashion water its great being des driver and chef photographer have agreat weekend people

love fiona xx


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Good luck on another good week. Congrats on the weight loss. Slow and Steady.
  • Good for you for sticking with it!! And a 2 lb loss.... so worth it!! I was thinking yesterday that I get so inspired to do more when I have a good week on the scale. Have a great weekend!!
  • carla1958
    carla1958 Posts: 30
    It's amazing. I just started this (after doing WW a million times) and am successful. It seems the moment I start making progress I put the brakes on... like wondering weather I will make it to the gym or feeling defeated that I have plans to eat out this weekend and may "screw up". I am my own worst enemy! Conquering my mind is my challenge. Any suggestions?
  • flabfighter31
    flabfighter31 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi carla

    Dont give up and if you eat a normal portion rather than the whole plate you should be fine remember resturants always pile of the stuff you dont have to finish whats on the plate i know when i was growing up thats what i was always told finish whats on your plate (how i got to be this big in the first place honestly) now my mind is set that eat slow sip water with meal and when my tummy says stop stop you dont have to have all three courses you might not lose anything that week but you should maintain as long as you are honest with yourself and dont drink too much hidden cals im luckly i dont drink, besides you can give yourself a weekend off from time to time enjoy yourself but dont overdo it
  • pbolton16
    pbolton16 Posts: 87
    I wish to thank all of the people who saw me through this week telling me to stick at it whic i did and i am delighted to say that i have lost 2pounds thank you sooo much guys its a great start to the weekend im off out tomorrow night i guess what i sliped on my fav LBD and it didn't fit its too big well im off out to buy a new one and for people who are about to tell me dont ruin it by drinking too much i dont drink and i will have already have had my dinner so no chipsn cheese or donner kababs for me i will stick to soda and lime and good old fashion water its great being des driver and chef photographer have agreat weekend people

    love fiona xx

    9 pounds is great and the 2 from this week is awesome. So great job and keep it up. You'll be buying new dresses every two weeks at this pace.
  • carla1958
    carla1958 Posts: 30
    Thanks! It turned out pretty well so far. I had the chicken ceasar salad and brought half home, iced tea. It is great to have your support.
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