Life after pregnancy

Hey! I'm a mom of 2 little ones looking to lose some weight. So far I've lost 30 pounds. I was just looking for people in the same boat. It's crazy hard trying to lose weight with kids.


  • slatonkimberly
    slatonkimberly Posts: 11 Member
    Hello. I've lost 35 pounds as of today! My son will be 2 in November. Still have another 30 to go to hit my prebaby weight. Really need to lose another 60 though. Sent ha a friend request
  • Tess_Christine
    Tess_Christine Posts: 87 Member
    Hey! I am a young mom of 2, I've lost 25lbs since my son was born hell be 8 weeks monday. I have about 35lbs to lose before prebaby weight but 80lbs total I Wanna lose. It's so hard with kids... I know how u feel ♡♡♡ friend request sent, message me anytime, I chit chat with another mom and we vent back and forth it helps A LOT
  • louiseyates1
    louiseyates1 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi! I'm a mum to two small children my daughter is 4 on the 8th of October and my son is 1 on 9th of September. I've lost 17lbs so far with another 70 to go (I put about 4 stone on with my daughter and never list it as I knew I'd have another) I'm done having children now and will get rid of the weight.

    Lou x
  • BigGirl2FitGirl
    Hi ladies! I'm a first time mom of a one month old little girl. I need to lose the rest of the baby weight and it is proving to be a little more difficult than originally anticipated. All of the feedings take up so much time and it's hard to get chunks of time to get all that is needed done. So I'm figuring it out. Haha. I'd love to help support each other. Feel free to add me!
  • tlussier
    tlussier Posts: 42 Member
    Stick with MFP! I am currently losing baby weight from baby #3 ( 5 years, 3 years, & 2 1/2 months). MFP was a life saver the last two times, so here I am again!!
  • Katie_Y89
    Katie_Y89 Posts: 330 Member
    Hi there!! I'm in the same boat. Mommy of an 8.5 month old and have only lost 10 lbs :( feel free to add me :)