What 101 lbs. Overweight Looks Like (Animated GIF)

USAMcK Posts: 80 Member
edited September 2015 in Motivation and Support
I just took these photos this afternoon. This is the real deal. I've lost 20 lbs. in the last 2 months and am much less "lumpy" but I have a long way to go.


Sometimes the static images we see in the mirror and in photos don't really tell the whole story. Motion does.

Anyone else losing 100 or more? If you're in a state of denial, like I was, record yourself in motion and get a real understanding of your appearance. Keep in mind, you may have more visceral (internal) fat than others. That means it's crowding your organs, including your heart. So "not looking that heavy" is no compliment. People are always telling me that, yeah, I should lose weight, but they can't imagine me being 100 lbs. over. Well, that's the truth!

When I started, I was 121 over. Now, I'm 101 over. By the end of the year, I will still have 70 lbs. left to lose. So, all of 2016 will be devoted to reaching my goal.

In a sea of photoshopped Instagram *kitten*, I just wanted to get real. Cheers.


  • marsinah1
    marsinah1 Posts: 106 Member
    It's generous of you to share it with us. There needs to be more images of normal people online. Congratulations on your 20 pounds and best of luck as you continue your journey.
  • becknomad
    becknomad Posts: 63 Member
    There's nothing like keeping it real with a photo! When I saw your picture I thought, she looks like me! :) This is a weird question but do you might sharing what brand of bra you are wearing? It's super cute and I can never seem to find a good one. LOL
  • USAMcK
    USAMcK Posts: 80 Member
    marsinah: Thanks! I appreciate it.

    becknomad: It came in a set of 3 or 4 from Walmart and cost maybe $15. It just says "Exclusive of Decoration" on the tag. They are not really the best bras, but I needed something quick when 3 of mine broke in the same week. I would say get the Victoria's Secret Demi if you want a similar look with much better quality. They're about $50 each and are amazing.
  • 6502programmer
    6502programmer Posts: 515 Member
    Thank you for sharing. That may be the bravest thing I've seen all week.

    Congrats on your 20 pound loss, and best wishes for your continued success!
  • alanahp93
    alanahp93 Posts: 56 Member
  • lmaceira
    lmaceira Posts: 3 Member
    You are a brave woman, I respect your bravery and honesty. Well done on your achievements so far and I wish you every success with your weight loss for as long as it takes and I'm sure you will succeed
  • dangerouscurvs
    dangerouscurvs Posts: 56 Member
    Kudos to you for your success... but mostly for your courage to share! I hope I can find enough courage to do something like that!! I have a lot of weight to lose, about 170lbs, and I just don't think anyone wants to see me in a bra and undies!! Lol
  • USAMcK
    USAMcK Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks, guys and gals. :)

    dangerouscurvs: No one wants to see me in them either! haha But I know being real about this is going to help me get to my goal without too many hiccups. And if it can help someone else, too, then why not? :wink:
  • Better_Me17
    Better_Me17 Posts: 1 Member
    You are very brave & I totally respect that! Being real in a world that is photoshopped & filtered...good for you! Great job on your loss so far & best wishes for continued success in weight loss!!
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    Great job! Watch out onederland! Here she comes,with a mission! Yeah for your success
  • USAMcK
    USAMcK Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks so much, y'all! Micheller: Onederland is only a few short weeks away. Stoked!
  • When I started I was at 337 today I'm 280, and want to be 170,
  • USAMcK
    USAMcK Posts: 80 Member
    kassandra, that is awesome. Keep up the great work!!!
  • bayridgeboy
    bayridgeboy Posts: 4 Member
    Congratulations! Keep up the good work!