Need help ASAP

Okay I need some help. I have recently started my weight loss journey, approximately 3 weeks ago. I have exercised daily at least 30 mostly 1 hr daily for 6 days with 1 rest day each week. I have cut my daily intake and by 1/2 and stay under my calorie goal daily. The first 11 days I lost 9lbs. Then i gained back 5 and attributed it to water weight from my period. So Monday i weighted my self and had lost those 5lbs. But today I get on the scale and they have all come back. I'm confused and feeling a little down. I am by far not going to give up because that just isn't an option but does any one have any suggestions. Anything and everything is helpful.


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Do you weigh yourself naked first thing in the morning after using the bathroom every time?
  • magreta76
    magreta76 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Be sure to wear the same clothes or weigh yourself nude to get an accurate read. Also, since our weight fluxuates daily, weigh yourself the same day each week. Keep it up! Good job!
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    So, that kind of fluctuation can happen, especially when you factor in the new exercise routine and where you are in your menstrual cycle. Hell, I don't even have a menstrual cycle and I go up and down like a yo-yo. What I can guarantee you is that you didn't lose 9 pounds of fat in 11 days, gain 5 of it back, drop it again, and put it back on. For the most part, you're seeing water weight changes.

    3 weeks is way too short a time period to gauge the effectiveness of your diet and exercise plan. Keep up the calorie deficit and maybe weigh in just once a week. Over time, your weekly weigh-ins will trend downward. Weight loss is a slow, steady process, so while some of it may come off quickly at the beginning, the key will be to keep up your efforts when the losing slows down.
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    edited September 2015
    that much change over 2 days? Its water weight going up and down. So, unfortunately, was some of the 9 pound loss you had in 11 days. How's your salt intake? My advice would be not to weigh yourself any oftener than once a week, max.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Open your diary.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Okay I need some help. I have recently started my weight loss journey, approximately 3 weeks ago. I have exercised daily at least 30 mostly 1 hr daily for 6 days with 1 rest day each week. I have cut my daily intake and by 1/2 and stay under my calorie goal daily. The first 11 days I lost 9lbs. Then i gained back 5 and attributed it to water weight from my period. So Monday i weighted my self and had lost those 5lbs. But today I get on the scale and they have all come back. I'm confused and feeling a little down. I am by far not going to give up because that just isn't an option but does any one have any suggestions. Anything and everything is helpful.

    Your weight can easily vary five pounds from day to day depending on water retention, the conditions in which you weigh, the time of day and a bazillion other reasons. The last time I checked the standard deviation of my weight from one day to the next was 1.44 pounds.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Okay I need some help. I have recently started my weight loss journey, approximately 3 weeks ago. I have exercised daily at least 30 mostly 1 hr daily for 6 days with 1 rest day each week. I have cut my daily intake and by 1/2 and stay under my calorie goal daily. The first 11 days I lost 9lbs. Then i gained back 5 and attributed it to water weight from my period. So Monday i weighted my self and had lost those 5lbs. But today I get on the scale and they have all come back. I'm confused and feeling a little down. I am by far not going to give up because that just isn't an option but does any one have any suggestions. Anything and everything is helpful.

    It sounds like good old fashioned fluctuations, which you need to get used to. Weight naturally fluctuates, and weight not is linear. :)
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    First off, congratulations on all your hard work so far!

    A lot of that first 9 pounds you lost was water loss, not true fat loss. As your body is fluctuating it's water content, and maybe you are retaining water due to TOM or muscle repair from strenuous workouts, that can be masking true fat loss.

    Don't get discouraged! Keep eating well and working out, the pounds will come off, a good pace for a lot of people is about a pound a week. I see that you have a lot to lose, so maybe 2 pounds a week until you are smaller. Don't be in a hurry for it to happen overnight. To do it right, this journey will take time. And be careful of burning yourself out. If you can't see yourself keeping to this new routine for the next few years, you are making too many changes at once. It's OK to start with slow changes, just make sure they are changes you can live with!
  • jwebbxvii
    jwebbxvii Posts: 2 Member
    Don't be discouraged. Instead, "pat yourself at the back". Your decision to make a change and really doing it is already a step forward.

    I agree to the replies above specially how weighing is done.
    1) Wearing different clothes will result to significant difference in readings. I would suggest placing a scale in your bathroom and weigh yourself without it.
    2) Activities you did before weighing-in. Water content from food as well as the sweat you expelled after your workout will play a big role in the deviations. Hence, it would be ideal to do it first thing in the morning.

    On the other hand, I'm used to looking at data and understanding trends (e.g. stock market :smile: ), there's a big tendency you'll get carried away if you look the result day after day. Thus, weighing yourself once a week and considering the 2 suggestions above will really help. In my case, I already accepted the fact that there are deviations thus 'frequent weighing-in + the 2 suggestions' works for me.

    Again, congratulations and keep it up! :)
  • ashleyrob83
    ashleyrob83 Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2015
    Thanks everyone for the feedback.