New to MFP


Looks like we have something in common, we want to get fit and be healthier but have support and cheerleaders too. Let's do this thing together and become friends, cheerleaders, and a sounding board for each other. I know I need support and encouragement too.

Let's be friends, Kick butt and just do it!


  • Dustinado
    Dustinado Posts: 34 Member
    Hello I am in USA and new to mfp. Would like friend if interested. Could use some diet friends. Thanks
  • LisaDeAngelo11
    LisaDeAngelo11 Posts: 16 Member
    feel free to add me, love to support anyone who is interested in a fit lifestyle
  • lanclass2014
    lanclass2014 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, it'd be great to get some feedback from you and others as to what is working for them. I want to lose 10lbs...I am approaching this from a different angle as now being 42 I want to up my muscle mass (not get big but really toned), and be really flexible. I want to be fitter at 50 than 40!! In the past I just used cardio, but now I have researched the huge benefits of HIIT and strength training so I am going to be trying that.

    I am all up for being a cheerleader!! Lets get moving...!!
  • supershaz12
    supershaz12 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi. I'm Sharon 47 years old from London UK with 100 lbs to lose. Happy to connect.
  • livefitloveyou
    livefitloveyou Posts: 3 Member
    London, love it my first UK friend. Welcome. I look forward to staying motivated and on track with you.