young and struggling

Hey there, as you may have guessed I am young (20 years on this planet) and struggling with a number of things. ...self worth and weight loss probably being the biggest problems!
I'd sort of reached my goal weight, but then put it back on. You know how the sad tale goes!
Controlling what goes on my plate is probably the hardest! And I'm super harsh on myself so just end up being dissatisfied and disappointed with myself a lot.

What gives you guys strength?
How did you learn to love yourself and gain confidence?

Also feel free to add me. The more the merrier.


  • Im also 20 :) Ive been dieting and exercising for years gaining it all back right after loosing it. I finally just buckled down and decided to be honest with myself, I was still not really eating properly or I wouldnt keep up with eating properly. I really watch what I eat now and try to do the 80/20 thing
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Greeting :) I've been 20 if that counts.

    So I love 70+lbs about 3yrs ago, maintained for about 2yrs ran a marathon it didn't go well, long story short i lost all motivation after that and have since gained at least 3st and now trying to get my head back into the game before I head off travelling in the new year.

    By all means add me if you don't mind have an old timer on your friends list haha.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Does innate perfectionism make you not actually bother with anything? Like it'll never be good enough, so why bother?
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Hey there...
    First of all sorry to hear that you're sruggling with all of this at such a young age. I am twice your age and have had my share of ups and downs.

    I've been taking this journey for almost three years, lost a ton of weight and managed to keep it off. My journey began with no support or guidance what-so-ever, just a general feeling of being fed up! I never had self esteem issues to begin with but decided one day to get skinny and fit. I went on a rampage and did everything I could do to participate in physical activities, group classes, gym equipment, you name it! I did hours on end of research on food and nutrition and I changed everything about myself in a little less than a year. Since then I've continued on this journey, still learning, always tweaking... A few things that helped me along the way to keep my motivation and passion...

    First thing I did was remove toxic and negative people from my life. It wasn't easy since some of those folks were family members and long time friends. But little by little, I surrounded myself with people who would motivate, encourage, support me and build me up rather than try to drag me into their drama.

    Every thirty days I re-set my goals. My goals aren't just confined to fitness and nutrition, they can be anything from losing a few vanity pounds, adding something new into my routines, career, financial, relationship, etc. They are realistic goals but are challenging.

    When I start getting bored with my routine, I change it. For example, this month I am doing less heavy lifting and I am including more cardio (running/dance), and I'm focusing on hitting my protein macro every day. Next month I'll see where I am and make some small changes, and re-set my goals.

    When I plan my meals/food and activities I always take a minute and think about how my actions will effect my body and performance. I "Eat to Perform". Like if I have a heavy cardio day coming up I eat more carbs and sugars. If I am lifting heavy I eat more proteins, and guess what... if I'm at a social engagement I eat what I want and I don't stress or beat myself up. After years I've learned that one or two or even a few treats or cheats won't hurt what I've accomplished so far.

    Maybe it's an age thing but once you reach a certain age you just don't really give a damn what everyone else thinkgs or says or does. I sure don't. I do all of this for me and no one else. Yup... you bet your *kitten* that I love the way my body looks and I love that I get those "Looks and stares" that say Wow! She's fit!!!! And I love that sometimes my muscles are more defined than half the guys in my gym LOL! But the bottom line is I am the one who has to live in this body... so I'm going to make it my happy place at all costs! :smile:

    I kind of look at this world and this life as my stage and I can put on a show, any kind of show that I want. I've found that most people are a little bit envious... for example, I'm always the first one on the dance floor, I have the best time and it's the folks standing off to the side giving me those "Looks", who actually wish they could have the balls to get out there and dance.

    After all... life is a dance, so start dancing. Who gives a *kitten* what anyone else thinks. At the end of the day, their opinion of you is of no real consequence in your life.

    No matter what I'm doing, I remind myself that all of my words, thoughts and actions become reality. Life is short and I plan to live every moment with furious enthusiasm.

    People are harsh enough to each other, you don't need to be harsh on yourself. What good has ever come from that? Has being harsh on yourself ever actually changed anything for the good?

    Last... excuses and bad feelings don't burn calories. So instead of sitting around being mean to yourself, go for a run or a walk. Do some jumping jacks. Turn on some music and dance for a while :smile:

    Hope some of this helped.