Finishing What I started!!

Hi MFP Community!! Recommitting today to reaching my weight loss goal. Fell off a little, but feeling "all about it" again to move forward.


  • dedvega
    dedvega Posts: 13 Member
    I fall of almost weekly, but I never give up. Don't give up!!
  • sstermole
    sstermole Posts: 37 Member
    I've fallen and started over again so many times - you'd think I'd learn my lesson by now. ;) But I'm back too! Add me if you'd like! Happy to help support and motivate you!
  • JenLosesIt
    JenLosesIt Posts: 50 Member
    From a weely faller-offer (so not a word) take it from me keep getting on! I am down almost 75lbs in almost a year. Many small gains along the way, but pushing thru has brought me to 35lbs left to go! Feel free to add me, I love to support others and vice versa :)