Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hello! My name is Sara. I am a 39 year old wife, mother of a precocious preschooler and a neurotic rat terrier, and newly diagnosed RA sufferer. I'm still learning how to read my body's cues when I'm exercising to avoid setting off a flare, but I get better at it every day. I'm currently taking methotrexate and prednisone - which makes losing weight ridiculously difficult. I'm focusing on ensuring my diet remains as healthy as possible and increasing my endurance. My hope is to get on a different medication soon which would allow me to get off the prednisone.
I am exercising 6 days a week, mostly walking 2 or more miles, but I am also mixing in a dance workout (Cize) and very light strength training when my joints allow it.
Are there any other RA folks out there? I'd love to connect for support.

Have a great day!


  • 1_Ton_Lady
    1_Ton_Lady Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Sara. My name is Cissy. I was diagnosed with RA at the end of 2013. I started with methotrexate and prednisone and gained 15 lbs in one month. You are not kidding when you say losing weight on that is ridiculously difficult. After that, I literally cried and begged my doctor in his office to get me off that stuff. He agreed but it still took over a month to get weaned from it. I was taking methotrexate, sulfasalazine, folic acid, and meloxicam. My RA has worsened and I am now taking weekly Enbrel shots, methotrexate, and folic acid. It has helped but I have one hand with still some issues. Today I recommitted myself to weight loss. I feel like I'm gaining every day regardless of what I do. Walking is about the only exercise that I can do that doesn't cause any pain. I will be getting up early in the mornings to get the walk in and getting back on my 1200 calorie regime. I am trying to focus on just eating healthier, I've been on some bad choices. I also enjoy alcohol and that is definitely going to be a change for me. My doctor is saying I shouldn't have more than 1 drink a week. Not that I drink alot but, I usually have more than one a week :). Anyway, good luck to us both, I'd like to lose at least 50 lbs and it all starts with one!
  • I'm Gaby. 23 with syrum-negative RA, crohns and fibro. I'm currently unmedicated/uncontrolled and nursing my 8 month old daughter. It's a super long story, but I'm fighting to get back on the only medicine that ever worked for my RA and crohns and trying to lose about 55 more pounds that I found myself stuck with after a very harsh pregnancy. Finding easy exercises and maintaining good diet is difficult but I'm sure we can all manage. :) good Lucy to everybody!
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Hi there :) I don't have RA but I do have an autoimmune disease (ITP) that meant that I was on very very high doses of prednisone. 95mg, for several months. The thing is that it's not the prednisone itself that stops you losing weight. It's the fact that it makes you so hungry! I only came off the prednisone in early February but I lost most of the 66lbs I've lost whilst still on prednisone. I came off prednisone because rituximab seems to have cured me. It's also used for RA.
    Personally, changing my diet didn't help with either of my autoimmune diseases (I have alopecia too).
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    oohhhhhh so glad I found this thread!! I'm currently working with a rheumatologist to figure out what I'm dealing with and on a prednisone taper (he's thinking sero-negative RA, psoriatic arthiritis, and/or ankylosing spondylitis). I have to go back in a little less than a month to discuss my second roudn of blood work, x-rays, and my relief while on prednisone to hopefully come to terms with a Dx and treatment plan. It's been an emotional and physically painful roller coaster ride. It would be great to have a couple suport people!! Sending you ladies requests now.
  • Angiefit4life
    Angiefit4life Posts: 210 Member
    Not sure where to start except to say there is always hope! I have never been the slimmest girl around.

    Beginning early February 2014, I weighed about 135# and for a 5 foot flat female that's considered just a bit overweight. This is where the struggle began. while working an average of 60+hours aweek, my joints began to hurt,every single joint in my body! By the time I was referred to a rheumatologist (months later) I could barely walk from my car to the front door. After several tests I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called ankylosing spondylitis, 8
    Months of high dose prednisone,pushing myself too hard and eating everything I could shove in my mouth I weighed 156# Than finally my insurance approved humira and some other inflammatory meds. I knew I had to change for my family and myself! I stopped working (amazing hubby) and started watching what I ate on December 7, 2014. I have logged every single day, thousand "mean people's comments " and started walking. I am up to 4 miles 5 times aweek. I have bad days where I physically hurt but that doesn't mean I am going to go back to my old eating habits. I'm at goal weight after losing 45#:)

    Success can come even if you think it's hopeless. Just eat at the right deficit, educate yourself and most of all believe in yourself!!! Good luck everyone!
  • lisatwopoint0
    lisatwopoint0 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. My name is Lisa. I am a 44 year old wife who also has one of those precocious preschoolers. I was diagnosed with RA when I was 24. At the time I was finishing up college and working full time teaching fitness classes, so the whole "can't move" thing was a big shock to the system. Within two years of my diagnosis I had a hip replacement and a knee replacement. I've been on all sorts of mixes of meds, but currently I take methotrexate, humira, celebrex, a whole bunch of tylenol and the occasional round of prednisone when things get bad (ooh and those nice cortisone shots for my knee and elbow). At this point I'm down 60 pounds from my highest weight but have gained 20 after I dislocated my artificial hip last year. After that the activity options dwindled some. I keep the food in check for a few weeks but then the arthritis gets too much to keep up the exercise and I get depressed, which kills the diet and I end up "usually mostly" on the right path, which not so surprisingly doesn't work out too well. I'm hoping if I can stay motivated and not get so down on myself when I'm not feeling well I can keep from sabotaging the nutrition and find just the right amount of exercise that does me some good without aggravating the RA too badly.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I have had the form of arthritis called Ankylosing Spondylitis for 40 years. After a lot of Rx Meds induced health problems I was told about Enbrel injections a little over a year ago. Because of the cancer, etc risks I decided it was time to try to manage my pain by diet.

    I got into coconut oil and finally cut all carbs to <50 grams daily by cutting out sugars and all types of grains cold turkey. 30 days later my pain was well managed and still is a year later. In six month 40 years of IBS was cured and still is. Pain management/total health is my main goal but have lost 30 pounds this last year eating 2600 calories daily.

    While I understand most will not give up carbs because the first two weeks was hellish the cravings then just faded away and have not returned. Yes I live in a house and office swimming in carbs but that is a NON issue now.

    Where this will work for you @saralayne42 I do not know but is my results of living in nutritional ketosis for one year. Best wishes at learning how to sidestep Rx Med damages. For the prior 10 years I just used a ton of fish oil and added Krill oil yesterday. I had both hips replaced 1 Aug 1991.

  • mariefnp0620
    mariefnp0620 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Marie. I have RA, Dax's in 2007. Currently on Enbrel weekly and Plaquenil. Currently doing a prednisone taper, on 5 mg at the moment!

    I work FT right now, (I'm a nurse practitioner), and I had major surgery this past March on my elbow. Just found out I need to have L4-S1 fused & it needs to be done sooner rather than later! I feel like I'm falling apart!!

    I need to eat better, limit the carbs as that is what inflames my joints.

    Looking forward to keeping in touch with you all