Indian/pakistani weight loss plans

Any weight loss plan sample menu's for indian /pakistani cultures thx would be most grateful x


  • pksd
    pksd Posts: 34 Member
    Indian cuisine is loaded with carbs, starches and fried foods, If you eliminate those, what else is left. I can't imagine weight-loss base on an Indian diet. One can eat just the lentils and vegetables(non starchy kind) cooked in light oil, just skip the rice and bread. Indian food is delicious, I just don't think modern Indian food is very good for you..
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Eat less that you burn. Works in any culture.
  • sonu0902
    sonu0902 Posts: 48 Member
    Thx guys
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member has a lot of Indian recipes that aren't hard on the waistline.
  • modestguineapig
    modestguineapig Posts: 23 Member
    My husband lived in India and lost 80lb there. Sambar, idli, dal, fish curry, tomato/mango curry, tandoori-flavored chicken, chickpea curry, rajma curry and biryani are all recipes I make at home that have a moderate amount of calories. I use low-fat yogurt in curries instead of curd or cream. Plus, I find spicy and rich flavors more filling, so I feel more satisfied on less. Sure, an Indian buffet might kill your deficit, just like any restaurant might. There are lots of Indian foods that aren't fried or loaded with butter when you make them at home.
  • fitmiks2015
    fitmiks2015 Posts: 53 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm Indian and unless I'm buying food outside, I eat Indian food for lunch and dinner every single day. Despite my inconsistent logging, I have lost 30lbs so far. Firstly, Indian home food != Indian restaurant food. Billions of people in the Indian subcontinent eat this diet everyday. Nothing wrong with it. The real killer is accurately calculating the calories in a recipe. There are no standard recipes, so there are no easy look ups for calorie content. It was painful at first but I have added nearly 100+ of my most commonly used recipes into the recipe builder. For instance, I make one roti/chapati with 50 gms of wheat flour and water, which is approx 80 cals. Cooking your own food will make calorie counting a lot easier. My meals usually consist of one dal/meat curry, one or two vegetable dishes, yogurt, raw salad, and roti/rice. I often substitute quinoa or barley for rice, and cottage cheese for yogurt.

    Some sample lunch/dinners are,

    --Kale saag, channa dal with capsicum, yogurt, rice

    --Rajma, beans aloo sabzi, roti, mixed veg salad

    --Chicken curry, roti, mixed veg salad

    --Beets with ginger, garlic and five spice, chhole, quinoa, gobhi aloo, cottage cheese

    I've been quite inconsistent with logging of late, but if you want to look at my diary you are welcome to add me as a friend!

  • Sydking
    Sydking Posts: 317 Member
    Lots of lean Indians.

    When i eat indian food i stick to dal and vegie curries.

    My favorite which is also very easy to make and very low cals is Palak Paneer or Palak chicken
  • megwa2001
    megwa2001 Posts: 31 Member
    hi i use south indian food , i still loose weight , check my diary , main goal should be eat within mfp recomend range , calories, carbohydrates, fat & protein

    if u r macros allows u can eat any food
  • sonu0902
    sonu0902 Posts: 48 Member
    Thankyou so much for your replys please as help can u send me a days meals sample guide of what you guys eat for breakfast lunch and dinner, as I cannot open ur food diaries. My food is mainly cooked at home similier to what you guys eat using about 2 tablespoons oil so just needed help really.
  • sonu0902
    sonu0902 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm Indian and unless I'm buying food outside, I eat Indian food for lunch and dinner every single day. Despite my inconsistent logging, I have lost 30lbs so far. Firstly, Indian home food != Indian restaurant food. Billions of people in the Indian subcontinent eat this diet everyday. Nothing wrong with it. The real killer is accurately calculating the calories in a recipe. There are no standard recipes, so there are no easy look ups for calorie content. It was painful at first but I have added nearly 100+ of my most commonly used recipes into the recipe builder. For instance, I make one roti/chapati with 50 gms of wheat flour and water, which is approx 80 cals. Cooking your own food will make calorie counting a lot easier. My meals usually consist of one dal/meat curry, one or two vegetable dishes, yogurt, raw salad, and roti/rice. I often substitute quinoa or barley for rice, and cottage cheese for yogurt.

    Some sample lunch/dinners are,

    --Kale saag, channa dal with capsicum, yogurt, rice

    --Rajma, beans aloo sabzi, roti, mixed veg salad

    --Chicken curry, roti, mixed veg salad

    --Beets with ginger, garlic and five spice, chhole, quinoa, gobhi aloo, cottage cheese

    I've been quite inconsistent with logging of late, but if you want to look at my diary you are welcome to add me as a friend!

  • sonu0902
    sonu0902 Posts: 48 Member
    Thx for your reply but I couldn't open ur diary so could you just as a guideline send me a sample meal plan for a day or week of what you eat for breakfast lunch and dinner thx
  • sonu0902
    sonu0902 Posts: 48 Member
    Also could you send me timming for your meals too. So sorry to be a pain but I just need help on how to make myself healthy and start loosing weight thx
  • sonu0902
    sonu0902 Posts: 48 Member
    sonu0902 wrote: »
    I'm Indian and unless I'm buying food outside, I eat Indian food for lunch and dinner every single day. Despite my inconsistent logging, I have lost 30lbs so far. Firstly, Indian home food != Indian restaurant food. Billions of people in the Indian subcontinent eat this diet everyday. Nothing wrong with it. The real killer is accurately calculating the calories in a recipe. There are no standard recipes, so there are no easy look ups for calorie content. It was painful at first but I have added nearly 100+ of my most commonly used recipes into the recipe builder. For instance, I make one roti/chapati with 50 gms of wheat flour and water, which is approx 80 cals. Cooking your own food will make calorie counting a lot easier. My meals usually consist of one dal/meat curry, one or two vegetable dishes, yogurt, raw salad, and roti/rice. I often substitute quinoa or barley for rice, and cottage cheese for yogurt.

    Some sample lunch/dinners are,

    --Kale saag, channa dal with capsicum, yogurt, rice

    --Rajma, beans aloo sabzi, roti, mixed veg salad

    --Chicken curry, roti, mixed veg salad

    --Beets with ginger, garlic and five spice, chhole, quinoa, gobhi aloo, cottage cheese

    I've been quite inconsistent with logging of late, but if you want to look at my diary you are welcome to add me as a friend!

  • sonu0902
    sonu0902 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi thx for adding me as a friend but I how can I view your diary ?
  • mitasuri
    mitasuri Posts: 41 Member
    Can you send me sample menu too I am also Indian and trying to lose weight but I am so lost on how to workout and what to eat and how much to eat !!!!
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Food is food.

    Create a calorie deficit.

    The end.