a little advice please

I have been the same weight for about a month now...up a pound, down two, then up again, so i stay around the same weight. i eat about 1470 calories a day...i exercise at least 3 times a week, either a 5k run or a 20k cycle. i have 10 pounds to lose and this is very frustrating...advice please :) x Also i have found that i am so very tired a lot of the time.


  • Claire739
    Claire739 Posts: 114
    as well as looking at calories have u looked at the fat content?

    try and go easy on carbs and salt as well
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Would you be willing to share your food diary? There might be some red flags that someone will see that you may not think is causing a problem...

    Salt will definitely cause you to retain all the water you drink (assuming you drink enough and aren't in constant dehydration like most americans) instead of flushing and circulating fresh.

    Carbs. If you're wondering which ones to cut out, and which ones to keep, here's an article you might find helpful. Some carbs are really ok, and some are so-so. Limit the simple carbs, and go for the complex ones.


    Good luck, friend me if you want. I joined in April also. :)
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    have you tried Strength training at all?
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    Yes, I would low GI it for a month, to shake it up a little. I had bags of energy doing this and its tasty too. Well done for keeping at it. It WILL come off. The old drink loads of water is appropriate here too.
  • bex879165
    bex879165 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm sticking too! I eat 1350 cals a day and exercise 5-6 times a week for approx. 60 mins. I'm doing 30 day shred at the mo - on day 5 today. My weight just won't budge. I guess I should be grateful it's not going up again!! :-)
  • loopylis
    loopylis Posts: 116 Member
    I have just been through the same. For 4 weeks my weight just fluctuated between 200 and 202lbs no matter what I did. I ended up feeling really down about it, so I took a week off. I ate normal meals with my family instead of making seperate for me, I had a few snacks that I shouldnt have, but I didnt over indulge. I did no exercise. In that week I managed to in just 1lb. That in itself made me feel a bit better.
    I weighed in last Wednesday at 201.8lbs. I have been back sticking to my calories, exercising, drinking a minimum of 1 litre of water a day. I sneaked a peek on the scales this morning, even though I had been adamant I would till Wednesday :ohwell: and I have lost more than the 1.8lbs, and dropped under the 200lb mark. Im very pleased, and it motivates me even more. Good luck!
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Are you still aiming to lose 1lb a week? As you get closer to your goal you need to slow down a bit. Those last 10lb are really difficult to shift - your body just does not want to give them up. A lot of people recommend that you aim to lose half a pound a week instead for the last few pounds so that your body doesn't want to hold on the them for dear life. You will be eating slightly more but there will still be a deficit, just enough for the weight to come off slowly but not enough to make your body go "hang on a minute - she's trying to lose more weight - I need to hang on to these last few pound!"

    You may also find that by changing to half a pound a week in your goals, that you might not be so tired. Another strategy is to try maintaining your current weight for a week or two and then go back to losing but I'd try the first strategy first.

    As the others have said, try low GI and complex carbs (go for brown/wholewheat/wholemeal. Avoid it if it's white)

    It's a good idea to see how much salt you are eating, but don't go too low on salt. Too little salt can make you very tired too. Our bodies need a certain amount of salt to function properly. If I don't eat enough salt my blood pressure drops very low and I feel very tired all the time. If you are eating a lot of salt then definitely cut it back a little to avoid water retention (and drink plenty of water).

    Also, could you be anaemic? Perhaps if you are still feeling tired all the time after trying everyone's suggestions it might be an idea to look at taking a vitamin and mineral supplement. Mild anaemia can make you feel tired all the time too.

    You've done really well to get to the last 10lbs. Most people seem to have some trouble shifting them so stick with it and you'll get there. Great job so far :smile:
  • bosrebel
    bosrebel Posts: 8 Member
    ive just been back through my diary, and im under my carb intake by about 100 each day.... i rarely eat pasta, rice or potatoes...if anything i'm usually a little over on my protein, but only like 10 at most. :)
  • bex879165
    bex879165 Posts: 121 Member
    I had the tiredness thing and am also a little anaemic. I take multivitamin with iron for the anaemia and, after numerous blood tests, the docs discovered I have an underactive thyroid just like my mum. I'm now on medication for this forever but I feel like a different person. They also thought it was one of the reasons I wasn't losing weight no matter how I tried. It may have been a contributing factor as, since i've started these tablets, diet etc etc i've lost 19lb. It's just not moving any further now, need to make changes I think!! :-)
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Try raising or lowering your calories by a couple hundred. Try mixing up your workout's, your body gets use to the things you put it through. Try working out a little more. Basically you need to "shock" your body and you should be good to call.
  • bosrebel
    bosrebel Posts: 8 Member
    well i upped the exercise this week, ran and cycled almost everyday.....and just weighed in.. lost 2 and a half pounds, this week...woop woop! thanks everyone xx
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    well i upped the exercise this week, ran and cycled almost everyday.....and just weighed in.. lost 2 and a half pounds, this week...woop woop! thanks everyone xx

    Awesome job!