Loose Skin

Does any one experience loose crinkaly rippled skin on their body after loosing all their weight? I have it all over my arms especially the underside and my inner thighs. It doesn't seem to be going away no matter how hard I work out or lift weights either. It's embarrassing and I feel like I'm 100 years old now.
Here I wanted this nice trim well toned body and what do I get: an old wrinkled up body! Any body else out there have any idea how u got rid of it or did u with working out "eventually" I hope so! Thanks


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Loose skin can tighten up to some extent after maintaining a bit (or so I've read).

    Other than that, I think the only option is surgery.

    I think I must have gotten lucky with age (I'm still in my 20's) and genetics. I have a bit of loose skin on my abdomen, but that's it. I don't really like it and hope it will tighten up with time, but I've started saving for surgery just in case.
  • wargirl51
    wargirl51 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the reply I even noticed it on my face this am!!! That's what I get for stuffing my Face!!!! Well I'm
    64 and I HATE getting old even though we have no choice. But I don't want to rush it. I still want to be toned, slender and healthy looking that's what I'm starving for. I have s horse trailer of $1500 to pay off dental work of $1500 to do so surgery is kinda at the bottom of the list right now. It's just "depressing"
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I chalk it up to "comical" and wave my bat wings in front of hubby to freak him out. Spandex is my friend. I'm halfway to a hundred so I call it all good.
  • alfonsinarosinsky
    alfonsinarosinsky Posts: 198 Member
    I am getting loose skin under my arms and my thighs. I'm going to wait till I lose all my weight and if it doesn't improve I will be getting surgery. In the meantime I'm lifting heavy weights 3 times a week and doing cardio 6 days a week.
  • wargirl51
    wargirl51 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks all for answering it's nice to know I'm not the only one out there walking arnd who has loose skin, I'll just have to see what the weights and exercise does and give it TIME!! Hugs to u all God Bless
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I've got it on my arms, belly, thighs and under my jaw line/neck. My legs bother me the most because I don't like how they look in shorts. Between my age, genetics and the number of years I was obese, I don't have a lot of hope that my skin will tighten up much. :-( I might consider surgery at some point down the road, but for now, I'll just concentrate on getting the last 20 pounds off and maintain that for a year or two to see where I truly end up in the loose skin department before I make any decisions.
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    Skin stretches as you age even if you were always thin, so as a plump girl trying to slenderize I know I will be saggy. Oh well, I will be healthier, faster, and enjoying life. I say that's a pretty good tradeoff for loose skin!

  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i'm having emotional problems with this. i'm 58, and last year, i lost weight all the way down to my goal weight, but my face and neck were saggy. people - especially women - started treating me differently. they starting talking to me like i was a child - the same way they used to talk to my 80 year old mother - calling me dear, trying to help me to my seat, carrying things for me, etc. they used the same cooing tone of voice people use toward toddlers. it sucked, and i freaked out and gained a lot of the weight back - i just couldn't cope. and not all the sagging went away, either - i look 10 years older than i did a year ago *sigh*

    so now i'm losing again gradually. i may not go as far down weightwise this time, but being healthy is super important and i have to get a grip on that - it's more important than vanity, but it's hard.

    as far as arms and legs and belly, the skin does shrink some over time, and if you build muscle, it will fill the skin to some degree, as well. that takes time and you have to work your muscles hard enough, but imo is definitely worth doing.
  • wargirl51
    wargirl51 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes my inner thighs have it bad. I'm like u Niki I hate wearing shorts cause my legs look so awful. I'm 64 like I orb said but I was lucky everybody mistook me for 38-42 so I had all these cute close before I got fat. I had mini skirts and tight shirts. I started wearing them again when I hit 140 and I didn't look to bad BUT then I hit 130 and OMG the skin thin. NO MORE looking young!!! So I empathize with u Chick I'm like do I REALLY want to look like this.
    Plus I wear T shirts a lot and u can see all the rippled skin on my arm!! Embarrassing!!! Oh well. Better then being fat I guess. It's nice to fit in decent size clothes and breath better that's for sure. If I could afford the surgery I'd do it in a heart beat. Even if I could get payments but then I couldn't afford the payments LOL!
    I do know of a plastic surgeon who redid my implants cause after 10 years one went down BUT man is he expensive. I called and asked how much for a tummy tuck and she said $7,500 that is the going rate but he's charging the highest they go for. Plus he charges $60 for u to come in and talk to him! "Sigh"

    I really appreciate u guys writing me back.