advice for fat loss/building muscle

I have 20lbs to lose. I have been eating well and sticking to around 1350cals. Diet has been very high protein (at least 100g daily), moderate fats/carbs. High in veggies with minimal fruit since I was told it's so bad for you.

I'm doing 30mins cardio and lifting weights for another 30mins 5x/wk. I really would like to try to build some muscle, hence higher protein (what I was also told).

Anyway, after a month I'm seeing no results at all. Very discouraged! My scale will not budge at all. Any thoughts on modifying my diet/cals, or my workout? I don't know what I'm doing wrong. :/


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    edited September 2015
    You were told fruit is bad for you? Sigh...
    You're not going to build muscle in a caloric deficit. Generally, muscle building requires a caloric surplus as well as adequate protein - it's not going to happen because you're female (less testosterone) and well, you're in a caloric deficit.

    However, you should be lifting heavy weights to preserve muscle mass. These are some good beginner programs;
    • New Rules of Lifting For Women
    • Strong Curves
    • ICF 5x5
    • StrongLifts 5x5

    You need to fuel your body properly as you're lifting too;
    • 0.6-0.8g of protein per lb of body mass
    • 0.4-0.45g of fat per lb of body mass
    • fill rest of calories with carbs

    If you're not experiencing any weight loss, you might be logging inaccurately. Could you open your diary so we can see your logging?
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    No results at all? Are you sure? The scale is not the be all and end all in this endeavor. With diet and exercise we sometimes gain muscle mass, toning and lose in certain measurements while not losing weight. Is you waist thinner, your clothes more lose, do you feel stronger? Positive results not scale related. Re-check for NonScale Victories and report back.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    pondee629 wrote: »
    No results at all? Are you sure? The scale is not the be all and end all in this endeavor. With diet and exercise we sometimes gain muscle mass, toning and lose in certain measurements while not losing weight. Is you waist thinner, your clothes more lose, do you feel stronger? Positive results not scale related. Re-check for NonScale Victories and report back.

    I can guarantee she is not gaining muscle while in a deficit.

    No way is she trading off fat loss with muscle mass. i.e. losing 1lb of fat and gaining 1lb of muscle which could cause no scale change.

    Your post contradicts itself.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    Responding to both of you at the same time. I do feel a bit stronger endurance/strength wise. As far as clothes, I really don't notice anything and my measurements are still the same.

    I don't know if this means I need to be eating more cals to build muscle? I thought if I cut calories but increased my protein that was ok.... That being said, I'm certainly not doing Schwarzenegger weight lifting, but I do notice a slight difference in my arms/quads. It's small, but it's there.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    Responding to both of you at the same time. I do feel a bit stronger endurance/strength wise. As far as clothes, I really don't notice anything and my measurements are still the same.

    I don't know if this means I need to be eating more cals to build muscle? I thought if I cut calories but increased my protein that was ok.... That being said, I'm certainly not doing Schwarzenegger weight lifting, but I do notice a slight difference in my arms/quads. It's small, but it's there.

    You have to be eating in a caloric surplus to gain muscle, you will also gain fat.

    You have to be eating in a caloric deficit to lose weight, this will include fat and could include muscle.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    I opened my diary, but I only have yesterday accounted for since I just moved to this app.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    I opened my diary, but I only have yesterday accounted for since I just moved to this app.

    So you weren't logging with a food scale previously, up until yesterday?
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    Responding to both of you at the same time. I do feel a bit stronger endurance/strength wise. As far as clothes, I really don't notice anything and my measurements are still the same.

    I don't know if this means I need to be eating more cals to build muscle? I thought if I cut calories but increased my protein that was ok.... That being said, I'm certainly not doing Schwarzenegger weight lifting, but I do notice a slight difference in my arms/quads. It's small, but it's there.

    As Isaack said, to build muscle (as in actual muscle mass), you need to be eating maintenance calories at the very least...any sort of deficit and you will not build muscle mass (you need to provide your body something to build with.)

    You can gain strength - that is different from actual muscle mass. Think of it as training your existing muscles to work better/more efficiently.

    When you're at a deficit, you often lose layers of fat which were covering existing muscle mass, often giving the appearance of gaining muscle. But you're not actually building new mass, just uncovering what was already there.

  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    Ok. I get that.

    So basically I have to decide if building muscle or weight loss is my goal. I really don't care what my weight is actually. I just want to have a slight definition/build, minus the fat that's blanketing it. ;)
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Do you understand the term "guarantee"?

    There are many posts regarding NonScale Victories while not experiencing weight loss. They are all also contradictory?

    If you would like to share information, other than your own unsubstanciated statements, please feel free. We'd all like to learn.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    I opened my diary, but I only have yesterday accounted for since I just moved to this app.

    So you weren't logging with a food scale previously, up until yesterday?

    I've been counting calories/weighing as accurately as I can. For a solid month....

  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    edited September 2015
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    I opened my diary, but I only have yesterday accounted for since I just moved to this app.

    So you weren't logging with a food scale previously, up until yesterday?

    I've been counting calories/weighing as accurately as I can. For a solid month....

    I think I can see your problem. Judging diary, all I see is "cup", "x serving", generic measurements.

    These aren't accurate. You're eating more than you think you are.

    Use a food scale.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    Ok. I get that.

    So basically I have to decide if building muscle or weight loss is my goal. I really don't care what my weight is actually. I just want to have a slight definition/build, minus the fat that's blanketing it. ;)

    Pretty much.

    If you're not really considering weight loss a primary goal, you can look into re-comping (there's an extensive thread about it on the maintenance board). It involves eating very close to maintenance calories, while doing a progressive overload resistance program - like one of the many Isaack listed above. It's a VERY slow process, but can allow you - over a LONG time frame - to lose some fat and build some muscle without having to do separate bulk & cut cycles.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    edited September 2015
    pondee629 wrote: »
    Do you understand the term "guarantee"?

    There are many posts regarding NonScale Victories while not experiencing weight loss. They are all also contradictory?

    If you would like to share information, other than your own unsubstanciated statements, please feel free. We'd all like to learn.

    Do you understand that you first comment essentially said that this woman (who is here complaining about the lack of progress) is having better results on muscle building/fat loss with the 1:1 ratio you insinuated than a professional male body builder on gear? Do you not see why that's guaranteed to not be happening?
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    edited September 2015
    pondee629 wrote: »
    Do you understand the term "guarantee"?

    There are many posts regarding NonScale Victories while not experiencing weight loss. They are all also contradictory?

    If you would like to share information, other than your own unsubstanciated statements, please feel free. We'd all like to learn.

    If you read what I said;
    pondee629 wrote: »
    No results at all? Are you sure? The scale is not the be all and end all in this endeavor. With diet and exercise we sometimes gain muscle mass, toning and lose in certain measurements while not losing weight. Is you waist thinner, your clothes more lose, do you feel stronger? Positive results not scale related. Re-check for NonScale Victories and report back.

    I can guarantee she is not gaining muscle while in a deficit.

    No way is she trading off fat loss with muscle mass. i.e. losing 1lb of fat and gaining 1lb of muscle which could cause no scale change.

    I'm only referring to the OP.

    Sure, you can gain muscle in a deficit.

    Is it hard? Yes, pretty hard.

    A 1:1 ratio of fat loss and muscle growth?

    >mfp logicz
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member


    I think I can see your problem. Judging diary, all I see is "cup", "x serving", generic measurements.

    These aren't accurate. You're eating more than you think you are.

    Use a food scale.

    I have a scale. But if a bag of frozen veg says 2/3cup, I measure it that way. Still, I'll be more conscious of portions. Thanks.

  • saucesofit
    saucesofit Posts: 16 Member
    From a female prospective, I found that I finally was happiest after I took the time to actually work at gaining muscle (and the fat that came with it) without worrying about the "look" for awhile. That fact is that women have a hard time gaining muscle and when you get down to it you're going to have to be in surplus to really make gains in that area.

    Mentally this can be challenging because 1) we are conditioned to want to be thinner and 2) there is a preconceived notion among women that muscle means bulk. Heck, I thought that too. But I will be the first to tell you that really heavy, focused lifting finally started to give me that "toned" shape I saw on fitness magazine covers. It's something that I probably never could have accomplished with light weights like all those magazines suggest.

    If you want to change the shape of your body you have to put in time. For me that meant gaining weight, lifting heavy and later focusing on losing fat. I took one goal at a time, gain muscle first - cut fat second, and in the end was much happier.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    I have a scale. But if a bag of frozen veg says 2/3cup, I measure it that way. Still, I'll be more conscious of portions. Thanks.
    That same bag will give that same measurement in parentheses after it in the weight in grams. Use that instead of the cup measure. Especially for things like fats, nuts, butters, salad dressings. But preferably for EVERYTHING :)
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Fruit isn't bad for you! :)
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    Fruit isn't bad for you! :)

    Isn't that crazy? This is why I've left that other weight loss app in favor of mfp. Fess up to eating a couple fruits and you risk being berated for sugar consumption as if you just ate an entire cake. I bought into it for a couple weeks,

    I just bought a bag of apples. ;)