Heavy lifting dumbells only!

I'm 20 years old female 5'3 SW 150 lbs CW 125 lbs. 3 months ago I decided to go with recomposition eating at mantainace and heavy lifting. The problem is that I don't have access to a gym. I only have convertable dumbells ranging from 5 - 22 pounds. All the lifting programmes out there use barbells so I started with chalene extreme doing 3 days of lifting only skipping the other two days . Some times I walk or do cardio on the free days. I completed the burn and push phases and I will be starting the Lean phase on monday. So far iam not seeing great results am i doing this right or just spinning my wheels?!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    You need heavier weights, even if they are dumbbells. Look at a few beginner barbell programs and you will see that they have you adding weight pretty quickly and the total exceeds the total you can get with your dumbbells fairly quickly (if not from the very beginning.) In order to see progress, you're going to have to add progressively more weight to your program. Plus you need to be patient.
  • Tamlyngo
    Tamlyngo Posts: 96 Member
    I have a home gym, no fancy machines... Here's a good one for Dumbbells only. Good luck. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/rudy6.htm
  • jez_4ever
    jez_4ever Posts: 68 Member
    edited September 2015
    So, in 3 months you went from 150 to 125? I'd say those are AWESOME results!! I haven't used those programs, but I am currently doing Bodybeast. I have convertible dumbbells ranging from 5 - 55. It can be a pain, but it works (its also much cheaper that way, haha) More weight could help. Anyway, I don't think you're spinning your wheels. Maybe you should try some more vigorous full body circuit cardio instead of walking on your off days. IDK, keep it up and good luck!!
  • fatimaelmustafa
    fatimaelmustafa Posts: 17 Member
    jez_4ever wrote: »
    So, in 3 months you went from 150 to 125? I'd say those are AWESOME results!! I haven't used those programs, but I am currently doing Bodybeast. I have convertible dumbbells ranging from 5 - 55. It can be a pain, but it works (its also much cheaper that way, haha). Anyway, I don't think you're spinning your wheels. Maybe you should try some more vigorous full body circuit cardio instead of walking. IDK, keep it up and good luck!!

    No 3 months ago after losing the 25 pounds, i decided to recomp. it took me 6 months to lose them :D
    Thanks for the advice i think i should replace the walking with HIIT too.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Do you have room in your home for a bar and plates and a bench and such ? I have to go to gym because I don't have room for all the equipment needed . but if you have the extra space, I'd look into purchasing some more equipment possibly because 22lbs is not a lot of weight at all.
  • jchite84
    jchite84 Posts: 467 Member
    www.exrx.net You can build yourself a full dumbbell plan. I'm also a fan of Spartacus - it's a Men's Health workout and you can find free pdfs of 1.0 and 2.0 circuits. It has some good dumbbell exercises (high pulls, push press, a few others).
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    I know this is an old thread, but. . . . Does anyone know if there is a MFP group for those lifting heavy using Dumbbells?

    Going to the gym doesn't work in my schedule most days, so I am at home with n a similar situation as OP. I have purchased additional weights as needed. The only problem I have run into is getting enough weight for squats. Everything else, so far so good.