Need some support with remaking on track.

although I really love this programme, I seem to find a variety of reason/excuses to go off track, and one I have had a 'bad day', I manage to turn that into an excuse to have a bad week, how do others overcome this??? Mich


  • honeybunch656
    honeybunch656 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello for me I hate seeing the scales going up so try to keep on track daily by writing my diary daily and putting it out there for the public to view it makes me be careful of my choices. Hope you do well this week.
  • kaysday
    kaysday Posts: 256 Member
    I use to be the same way a month ago before I started. Now it has become a routine (not a bad one) I get excited about tracking and posting my calories for the day, I go to the gym 5 days a week and I feel better and more energized than ever before. I have over 100 pounds to lose so you can imagine how weight loss has been a struggle for me. The support and motivation from mfp friends keep me motivated. Good luck. You may add me as a friend for added support.