Skin Tightening after Weight Loss?

So I am currently on an ec stack and it is working magic! Genuinely, I am seeing results like crazy. Which is amazing because I've struggled for so long to eat healthy. I would go through this cycle where I would eat healthy and not see results and get discouraged. Now I can eat healthy, have energy to work out, and then see results. I'm 23 years old, 5'3", and started at 178 lbs. Now I'm 164 lbs. and I've been on it for 3 days

Now I'm really worried that I'll have saggy skin from not adjusting so quickly. I've been using aveeno pomegranate body scrub and the moisturizing with burt's bees milk and honey lotion religiously because I've read that it will help.

But has anyone lost weight and had this problem? How did you deal with it? (Surgery is NOT an option. I don't have that kind of money) Should I just start doing more strength training and no cardio?

Any advice would be much welcome!!

(Also, specifically I naturally have bigger breast and arms, so I'm concerned that I'll lose weight so quickly in these areas that it'll cause unattractive sagging.)


  • FindingMyself92
    FindingMyself92 Posts: 61 Member
    From everything ive read on it (so just from my readings not personal experience), just drink lots of water and try to lose it at a healthy rate.

    Your still young which ive read really helps.
    But theres nothing you can do to garuntee it wont but i dont think you have that much weight to lose for it to be stretched too far.

    :) again, just from what ive read about it.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    youve lost 14 pounds in THREE DAYS???

    dear, that is not healthy and not sustainable.

    losing weight that rapidly will definitely cause saggy skin and more than likely, not be permanent, which means youll gain it back and possibly more and possibly end up with stretch marks.

  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Strength training will help a little, but the big thing is to lose the weight quickly while you're young, because skin elasticity declines with age, plus the longer it's stretched, the less likely it will snap back. It can take 2 years for skin to snap back, so it may seem looser temporarily if you lose it quick.
    Creams & lotions don't help, since they don't penetrate to the dermis layer. Save your money. :+1:
  • karlajudithz
    karlajudithz Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2015
    FindingMyself: Thank you for your input. Luckily I drink LOTS of water. Like 3 liters of water daily.

    callsitlikeiseeit: You're right it is a lot in such a little amount of time. I've done a lot of research and I feel like I'm being very careful as far as health issues and making sure to be sensitive to anything I might feel. Also, I'm eating and working out properly, no starvation or anything. I also know that I can only do an ec stack for about 4-6 weeks before needing to cycle out. By that time, I will be extremely close to my goal weight. But during those two weeks of cycling out, I'm really gonna set myself up not to falter back. But I highly doubt that that I will gain so much weight in two weeks. I would literally have to turn sedentary (which my 12 hours of being on my feet at work daily will not allow) and eat ALOT.

    Cherimoose: I've been doing atleast 30 minutes of full body strength training. Mostly yoga. Do you think this is enough? Would you happen to know of any good work outs specifically meant to tone?
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Cherimoose: I've been doing atleast 30 minutes of full body strength training. Mostly yoga. Do you think this is enough? [/quote]

    Probably not. Muscles need to be worked pretty hard to maintain them during a calorie deficit. And yoga is an imbalanced workout since it's only bodyweight. I'd follow a standard strength training program using weights, like NROL or Stronglifts. There's also one in my profile. If you don't have much equipment, try Nerd Fitness's program. But try to invest in a pair of adjustable dumbbells that go to 20+ lbs apiece.

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