Does your menstrual really put extra weight on you or do you just feel that way?

Since I'm on my menstrual I will NOT be stepping on that scale until she's gone! But I will continue to keep motivated and dedicated!! I know it makes you bloated and all but is it so that women put on ANY type of weight during this time? I know we crave things and I swear I'm trying my best to curve those cravings.


  • sfinsc
    sfinsc Posts: 169 Member
    I gained and lost a pound in the week that I was on my period. Crazy!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    It's not fat, it's water.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I don't step on the scales a week before they are due, and don't weigh again until they dead and gone!
  • shharhonda_mail
    shharhonda_mail Posts: 19 Member
    Okay thanks ladies appreciate it
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I gain 1-3 pounds of water weight during that time of the month. It stays on for about three days and provided I continue to eat my regular healthy diet, it drops off and I continue to lose as normal. Seeing the elevated numbers like that is my first sign that my cycle is changing. It doesn't bother me in the slightest.
  • shharhonda_mail
    shharhonda_mail Posts: 19 Member
    Okay great news I appreciate it alot
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    I can gain 5-6 lbs of water. I know it's water because my eating doesn't change during at all, and it drops off just as fast as it came.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I gain 1-3 pounds in the week leading up to it and then lose it on the first day of my period, then drop 1-2 pounds additional over the next few days. I weigh every day regardless of my cycle. It's just information and because I weigh every day, I know exactly what to expect and it doesn't surprise or upset me to see the increase, especially since I know it will be followed by a large decrease.
  • sophomorelove
    sophomorelove Posts: 193 Member
    i step on the scale every day to track the trends, and I did notice spikes before the period week. But it's not unique to menstruation. I have ups and down according to sodium intake and exercise frequency etc. I do feel heavy and my boobs are super sore so I will not do jumping jacks and am less likely to get myself out for a run. In any case, focus on the big picture of a steady loss over time. Here's mine with the red arrows marking my period weeks (another one's coming up shortly):


    Good luck, you're not alone
  • jsicam
    jsicam Posts: 3 Member
    I usually gain 3-5 pounds during that time. I know I shouldn't, but I still weigh in to see where I'm at. It's always extremely frustrating and discouraging. I believe it's all water weight but am never quite sure. Anyone else get horrible cravings during that TOM?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    The scale goes up. That is real. For me, it went up 2-4Lbs. After my period there would be a water weight woosh, where the number would go back down. I weighed daily so I could see that trend and not freak.

    Oh, it also went UP 2Lbs when I ovulated.
  • shharhonda_mail
    shharhonda_mail Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the input i greatly appreciate the news of think I'm going to wait to step on the scale I don't want to see what the water weight has added! I'm new to my journey and i like to think I've been doing good I don't want to get on the scale and see otherwise all due to water weight lol I'm afraid it might discourage me... Maybe next month or five! Haha Thanks again
  • pinkys008
    pinkys008 Posts: 55 Member
    For those that get frustrated with this, check out a website called trendweight. It basically shows you a moving average, which helps smooth out the effects of these fluctuations.
  • acmanna
    acmanna Posts: 200 Member
    Last time I was up 6 pounds bc of it but it all falls off again after a few days.
  • fernadele84
    fernadele84 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm definitely more bloated in the week leading up to my period. I usually put on an extra inch around my waist and around 4 lbs! I make sure I stay on top of my water and have a grapefruit every morning as that seems to help with my digestion
  • MrsSylvie
    MrsSylvie Posts: 301 Member
    ^^^ exactly the same (minus the grapefruit). i was disappointed when it happened until i read someone mention this on mfp.
    now i won't weigh myself two weeks out of the month, just incase i go brain dead and forget that i am not actually gaining real weight!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I don't feel heavier or any different. I don't know about actual weight since I don't weigh often. It's never bothered me