Looking Hot for the Summer Challenge!!



  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    I'm In. I'm Monita, please give more details. I'm excited!
  • stina804
    stina804 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm Interested never done this before need more info on how it works
  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    ..............and we're off top 20 challenge mates!

    Group is officially closed!

    I'll post some more information in a second!
  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Here is who we have for our challenge:

    RocheleLynn: Rochele
    SilentRenegade: Name?
    reginamazing: Regina
    daizileigh: Name?
    andi211: Andi
    avrba53: Alli
    sarahbeth17: Sarah
    sundance2032: Allyson
    FruitLoop05317: Jessica
    ldymond04: Name?
    ttandjg: Tammy
    kmarker8245: Name?
    milenasmom6: Sylvia
    rainyday99: Raine
    emr0004: Erica
    spgabby86: LaVette
    eejieweejie: Name?
    KaylatheChristian: Kayla?
    OkieWorkout: Monita
    christ804: Name?

    Good Evening Ladies!

    The weigh-in's will be:
    Monday, June 6
    Monday, June 13
    Monday, June 20
    Monday, June 27
    Monday, July 4th (or Sunday/Tuesday morning if your too busy on July 4th)

    Please send me your weight on the dates above.

    Then each Tuesday I will post each person's loss and the weekly winner...
    Then the Looking Hot for the Summer Challenge WINNER of the challenge will be posted on JUNE 6th! :P

    I will start a new group for people who would like to join for July! :)

    Now, in the mean-time.. If you'd like to post inspiring posts, recipes, daily troubles, questions, or whatever else is on your mind feel free to post! :)
  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    O Yeah, friend me if you'd like a reminder to send your weigh-in's :) I will post a status every Sunday as a reminder!

    Or if you just want to be friends! :)

    A little bit about me.

    My name is Rochele. I am a newlywed and I just graduated college with a degree in Elementary Education! At 170 pounds I was the heaviest girl (by far) in my sorority and in my family. I've decided it's time to make a change. My husband and I would like to have a baby and I refuse to be a fat mom.

    Some of my goals include:
    -I'd like to be able to run...just run, like all of those skinny people I see doing it around my subdivision. How do they do that!?
    -I want to wear a swimsuit that doesn't have a skirt attached.
    -I want to wear cute and stylish clothing... maybe even a little lingerie (Hey I'm a newlywed!)
    -I want to be able to control my cravings.

    Nice to meet y'all!
  • heidi_79
    heidi_79 Posts: 27
    Would love to do this when the net one is available!
  • daizileigh
    daizileigh Posts: 24
    hey everyone, i'm daizi!!

    i'm twenty years old and i've been overweight since as long as i can remember. my family has always made me feel like i was bigger, and i've had such pressure on me for so long. my problem is that i can't resist temptation, like chocolate and breads. i've tried so many times to diet, but this time i am so serious. since the beginning of school last semester (august 2010) i've lost 15lbs, and i am trying for another 30lbs! i'm hoping to lose 10lbs by my birthday (July 17th) so that when i turn 21 i look damn good! i would love to be friends with all of you and i hope we can motivate each other and inspire one another!

    good luck and hope to hear from you guys (friend request me! :) )
  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    Would love to do this when the net one is available!

    Well I guess we could use 1 more! :) You're In!
  • heidi_79
    heidi_79 Posts: 27
    Would love to do this when the net one is available!

    Well I guess we could use 1 more! :) You're In!

    Woohoo!! My name is Heidi
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Would love to do this when the net one is available!

    Well I guess we could use 1 more! :) You're In!

    Woohoo!! My name is Heidi

    Welcome Heidi
  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    If you win a weight loss challenge week... I will link you this image.. If you would like. You can add it to any post or add it to your signature! I can also send you a smaller one if you'd like! :)

    The overall winner will get a fancy one! :)

  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    eejieweejie, aka Emily! 26 years old and mother to a beautiful 3 year old son! I started my new (and last! Gotta stick with it for good this time!) journey on Tuesday, so the weigh ins conveniently fall on my weigh in day! I'm running out of clothes that fit, and I refuse to buy new bigger ones! I do however plan to buy some new ones once I lose some weight! Starting weight is 141lbs, and I hope to get down to at least 125lbs.

    Good luck everyone!!
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hello, I'm Monita!

    Since I'm in a local 12-week weigh loss challenge, I wanted to "up" my game so I can win! It was hard to log in and the MFP site seemed very boring. Then I thought "I'm bored with this site because I don't have any friends". So I friended a bunch of people and stumbled across the Community section of the site where I saw all types of challenges. I would get in a challenge and then after a week or so it would die out. So, I decided to join 7 challenges! Boy has it kept me hopping! I'm managing all of my challenges in an Excel spreadsheet with different tabs for the challenges AND color coded for daily, weekly, or monthly challenges. I'm such an Excel Wiz! Some challenges are daily, for some I have to log in miles and others I have to work on teams. With so much to do, I'm not bored at all. Furthermore, I lost 3 pounds during this last week because I was trying to do everything.

    This is working for me. I the past 6 years, I've lived in 4 states, worked at 4 different companies, had a baby and finished my MBA! So I figure, instead of studying 2-3 hours a day, I could focus on my health 1-2 hours a day. It's paying off! I started my weightloss journey on Dec 15, 2010 at 297 lbs and today I'm 265 lbs. It's been coming off slowly BUT since I've joined these fantastic challenges, I've lost 12 lbs in 4 weeks!

    Thanks for having me! Everyone, feel free to friend to me!

  • reginamazing
    reginamazing Posts: 45 Member
    Hey ladies, again I'm Regina, I've never done a weight loss challenge before so this should be fun! Nice to meet all of you :-)

    I'm not so much trying to lose weight as I'm trying to lose this layer of fat that I've accumulated, I want to get muscle definition back. I used to be a dancer, and I'm very petite, so while 140 doesn't *SEEM* like a lot (and it really isn't), extra weight just looks awkward on me because I'm kind of short and have a very small frame, and so I have a lot of cellulite and just feel icky in general. I just want to get back to the shape I was in when I was dancing. And I'm also going to 2 huge music festivals at the end of the summer for 3 days a piece and I want to be one of those girls that just can rock a bikini top and shorts, especially since I'm going to be surrounded by a bunch of guys (some of whom are relatively famous) who I haven't seen in years . Gotta look my best! I don't want to hear anyone say "Wow you have gained weight since I last saw you!" (Not such a good feeling...def have heard that one before as of late)

    Is anyone doing any specific programs? I'm doing couch to 5k and Abs Diet for Women for now (so basically light cardio and light weights to get my strength up), but in a few weeks I'm going to start Slim in 6...which I'm scared of. And after Slim in 6 I want to try Power 90 and then maybe even P90X (but let's not get ahead of ourselves ^.~)
  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    I love reading all of your stories. I think I see a little bit of myself in each one of you.

    daizileigh- we'll i've never realllly tried to diet.. so maybe this time we can do it together and actually succeed!

    eejieweejie- o my I have the same problem. I was just talking to my husband about how when i get skinny I will have a whole new wardrobe- my own! We'll get there right?!

    OkieWorkout- that's soo awesome that you have some much to keep you going! we're glad to have you in our group! If you have any suggestions please let me know!

    reginamazing- which festivals are you going? wakarusa? bonaroo? My family is going to both.

    Just to clarify. Please send me your first weigh in on MONDAY. :) YAYAY
  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    Challenge Ladies- Tomorrow is weigh-in day! Don't forget to send me your starting weight. You can also send me your favorite dieting tip- i'll post them :)
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    Hi, my name is Megan.

    Currently I work in retail and go to college part time. When I was going to college full time, I gained about 50 pounds my first year. At my heaviest I was around 210 pounds and when I found that out I couldn't believe it. I have been a "yo-yo dieter" since then. Last year I lost almost 30 pounds when my doctor put me on a low-carb diet because she said I had a fatty liver and fluctuated between 165 and 170 and felt comfortable enough to go to the beach in a bathing suit.

    After I started dating my boyfriend, we both stopped watching what we were eating and I went from a size 7 to a size 13 in a little under 2 months. I also went back on depo-provera, which seemed to make the weight gain go at light speed. (He went up two pants sizes, but it took about 6 months for that to happen, lucky him!) I started at MFP at about 191 or so. Currently I'm down to 184 but some days I get discouraged because I see a gain of 2 or 3 pounds... but I have a tendency to weigh myself multiple times a day.

    This weight loss challenge seemed like a fun time, and I think it would motivate me to work harder at exercise. I'm pretty competitive so I think this is the kick in the rear that I need. :)
    I'm doing this to feel better in my clothes from last summer (because what college kid has the money to buy new clothes?!), wear a bikini again, and have the great energy that I had before.
    I bet if we compete, but at the same time, work together, we can all do this! :D
  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    Hi Megan! Gosh I feel like I went through the same thing! I gained all of my weight in college. Not as fast as...but I gained about 8 pounds with each depo shot. actually every time I get on birth control I gain tons of weight. boo.

    Okay so far I have starting weights from:


    So far these ladies are IN! :) I'll keep it open until mid after noon tomorrow and hopefully we'll get some more people. If not... looks like we'll be competing hardcore against each other! ANNNND I've decided there is going to be an etsy prize at the end. :)

    Remember the more you post, the more you encourage each other. :)

    Like, Megan (SilentRenegade) said "I bet if we compete, but at the same time, work together, we can all do this! :D"
  • reginamazing
    reginamazing Posts: 45 Member
    Sorry I disappeared, I was in Key West for the week and didn't have my computer with me. I didn't forget about you ladies :)

    I'm going to 3 different cities for Warped Tour, I know a few of the bands that are playing on the main stages, and I'm also going to Lollapalooza in Chicago, where I know another band that is playing. I'm really excited to see my so many of my friends in 1 place considering they all live across the country in California and I hardly get to see them.

    So I know I missed the first weigh in but I hope I can still join in :-)
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    I'll sign up for when the next one starts! I love group weighins!