Time for change.

Hi all! I have struggled with my weight all my life. I am a very emotional person and that has hurt me more than anything. I have lost a tremendous amount of weight different times in my life, I am not completely back where I started but too close for me. People think that those of us that are struggling don't know we have a problem. That is so far from the truth. Anyway, I'm ready, and anyone that wants to cheer me on, please add me.


  • splimmy
    splimmy Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I have been on a diet for the last 24 years on and off and it goes back on a lot quicker than it comes off! I work with food all day (serving not eating) therefore when it is my designated meal time I am not hungry, i hate seeing people eat when they want and what they want.
  • chayenne25
    chayenne25 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there, im with you! It gets very difficult. Let's motivate each other! This is my first time on here so I don't even know how to "add" people if you would like to keep in touch please start it :)
  • HeatherCarnes76
    HeatherCarnes76 Posts: 52 Member
    I've been overweight all of my life. I completely understand how emotions can get in the way of living a healthy lifestyle. It has hindered me from a lot of stuff in my life. You can do this though. I have found people on here are very encouraging.
  • Dws2003
    Dws2003 Posts: 9 Member
    I will say that I am a stress eater. This app has really helped me break that. I read comments and truly heart felt post and I think "wow" that's me and I'm not alone. If u want to be cheered on add me. I have good and bad days but I try to stay as upbeat as I can and I love cheering mfp's on so if u like to do the same Add me
  • chayenne25
    chayenne25 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks guys, I appreciate the support!
  • BradUnited11
    BradUnited11 Posts: 11 Member
    Use that emotion and let's get this done! We should have fun with this. When there's a rough day, starting over the next day is what I've struggled with. I have to accept that it's normal to have difficult days and move forward. Cheering you and your emotional self on!
  • chayenne25
    chayenne25 Posts: 4 Member
    Do any of u have any easy recipes for dinner?? I'm not a big veggie person, but I'm trying
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I'm cheering you on :)
    I promise, you can do this.