Is 80 kg a good goal weight for me?

I started my weight loss on Monday, June 1st of 2015

Back then, I weighed 106.7 kg (235 lb). In my opinion, I have done pretty well with my weight loss. Every single week I have lost weight. According to an app I use, I'm losing an average of 1.4 kg (3.08 lb) per week. I am male and I'm 186 cm tall or 6 foot 1. My body frame is either medium or large.

I used to do 60 minutes of walking every single day, now I walk less, but my exercise is more diversified. I swim 1000 meters (0.62 miles) twice a week. I do some random exercise once a week. I walk half an hour 3 days a week and rest one day a week.

Also, I know many people count calories, but I don't. I still somehow lose weight. :tongue:

So do you think just below 80 kg (176 lbs) is a good weight for me? I don't really have muscles right now, but I'll probably start working out on them once I stop dieting.


  • timberflake
    timberflake Posts: 19 Member
    Broadly speaking 80kg would take you into the middle of what's considered healthy on the BMI chart. However, whehter or not that's where you should be only you can decide.

    Someone at 80kg pure muscle will look very different to someone at 80kg and does cardio, it comes down to what your body composition goal are. At 6"1 and 87kg there's no reason for you not to be weight training if that's the look you want.

    Just bear in mind that once you start weight training the weight loss on the scales will slow down as you lose fat and retain/build lean muscle.