Starting over

ok - kids back to school, a few pounds heavier since the beginning of the summer - kept up my fitness but the going out and socialising increased! Back to it and determined and joined a gym as I was running approx 3 times a week and needed to vary it and I find it hard to run when it is really hot. Eating sensibly and cleaner and feeling in control - back on here to track it all - anyone else starting over


  • JasmijnRF
    JasmijnRF Posts: 184 Member
    Yep me. No exercise at all for over a month and eating like a pig
  • Sukebind15
    Sukebind15 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, me! I have been back on MFP for a week now. I got out of the running habit after a combination of shin splints, cold weather and then repeated throat infections and basically I slipped back into eating a lot of unhealthy stuff and the holidays with their accompanying ice-creams, alcohol, indulgent meals and so on have not helped.

    Since the children went back to school on Thursday I have been running each school day and I mean to keep it up and run 3-5 times a week and continue to watch what I eat. Not so easy with mine and my younger daughter's birthdays in the next week but I am determined to try, get great at running again and get into my smaller jeans!
  • inked_illini26
    inked_illini26 Posts: 14 Member
    Me! I am definitely trying to get this to be my last start over and be a real change in my lifestyle!
  • NessJKay
    NessJKay Posts: 57 Member
    We can do it I want to wear a LBD to my work Xmas do !
  • melisaeudy
    melisaeudy Posts: 1 Member
    I feel like my life is a constant "start over"!! Start eating right again, start running again. It's gets very depressing after awhile. But, here I go again...starting over.

  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    melisaeudy wrote: »
    I feel like my life is a constant "start over"!! Start eating right again, start running again. It's gets very depressing after awhile. But, here I go again...starting over.

    Man! Almost exactly what I was thinking. Everyday I am starting over! And today the struggle was real! Woke up angry and frustrated and just couldn't shake it! Hate that....anyway here's to starting over....again. Never quit!
    Anyone feel free to add me need lots of motivation and inspiration and willing to do the same!
  • NessJKay
    NessJKay Posts: 57 Member
    To all feel free to add me - I need to be accountable