one week off... so hard to get back on track! Help please

okay so i went to visit my family for a week, and had a great time, but ive put on a whole kilogram in that week! and ive been eating rubbish since being back aswell, and im finding so hard to stop! need motivation like mad!


  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    Well motivation is to get up and do what you need to do to get where you want to be, or you can let one small weak derail you and turn that one week into one month and then into one year and be down and out a year from now because of one week, I say pull it together no excues and one year from now enjoy the bikini at the beach!
  • disneyval
    disneyval Posts: 18
    Let by-gones be by-gones! Pick up where you were before you left. Record your calories for today and force yourself on the scale tomorrow. You know how to do this now. Let each set-back be a lesson and don't beat yourself up! All of us on this site have done the exact same thing as you have - which is why we're here. (: You'll be fine!
  • stellanyc
    stellanyc Posts: 8
    For me, the easiest way to derail my momentum is to let my mind turn a slip-up into a catastrophe.

    I am doing the 17 day diet, and - in what might make me the lamest dieter ever - I fell flat on my face with 1 day to go in the first cycle (Thursday). I worked out a lunch, resisted the Mac and Cheese in the lunchroom and the Magnolia birthday cupcakes being passed around and everything was good until a friend invited me out for a drink after work. "OK, fine, just ONE glass of wine" turned into several, followed by some beer, followed by a 2AM trip to McDonald's. When I logged everything I had consumed (honestly) on Friday morning, I nearly started crying: 2400+ calories, 62 grams of fat, etc, etc.

    The old me would have let this stumble convince me that I wasn't really meant to be thin because I didn't have the self control to keep a clean diet for even 17 days - but the new me pinned up the evidence of my "calorie bender" on the fridge as a reminder that I'm not perfect but I want to start being accountable to myself and making better choices. I had already achieved a great amount of weight loss in the first 16 days, and I know I can keep it going by getting back my focus and working out twice as hard this coming week to burn off my indulgences.

    Don't get discouraged! So you took a week off, and didn't like what happened. Try to let that feeling motivate you to get back on track in the coming weeks! Good luck!