3 lbs a week math work?

Hello all, I would like some advice on if you have figured this out before and think it will work. Im currently stuck in the hospital so all ive been doing is eating and excercising.

I have a goal to lose at least 3 lbs a week which I know is more than the reccomended 2 but I figured Id bring it to you and ask your advice on how I went. Ive only been doing it a couple days but I kinda jump started my weight loss again after a 8 month plateu about a week ago.

So Im 199, my BMR is 1707, which means thats how many calories I burn a day just by living...

Ive been eating a really restricted diet the past few days, about 850-1200 calories a day, before that I was ordering huge trays and picking what I wanted off them. Oh I used to be vegan for a long time, never cheated, then I stopped for lent and now I've gone to being peskitarian because I just cannot imagine going back and its perfect for me.

Anyways its always been said that 1lb a week is a 3500 deficit, (new studies are saying its 7000 but idk how that can be true I just dont believe it 3500 per pound worked well for me to lose 110 lbs) So I figure, 10500 a week deficit is 3 lbs a week, which is 1500 a day.

Now that doesnt leave me a lot of room, I cant exactly eat 200 calories a day nobody should thats disgusting and will kill you. But Ive been eating like I said 850-1100 calories a day and excercising between 643 and 1100000 calories a day by doing a couple endurance sessions a day and several short mini regular or Hiit sessions (I need to work up to doing more Hiit! sessions!!) and I try not to excercise full as much as possible but a lot of the time thats the only times I can :((( and I do so many sessions and eat minimmally that Im not too worried about working out on a full stomach.

Ive been making sure every day I have that 1500 cal deficit but on the days I eat too much OR dont excercise enough I still have the safty net of saying "If I did this every day I would lose 2 lbs a week."

I have no access to weights, so I try to do some arm bends on the bike. havent gotten to working out in my room, I have like no muscle mass. I lost 110 lbs on diet alone and struggled for 8 months to lose the same 7 lbs over and over again, lol my body likes 200, hates 197. This is the second time I lost that hundred pounds but last time it was with diet and excercise and I did it in 7 months and I think I may have started gaining it back right away. This time I kept it off.

Now that Ive learned my lession and did it all without the app, Im back, ready to kick some *kitten* and running as fast as I can to my goal as possible. Taking advantage of 2 free excercise equipments and free gourmet hospital food rather than the plentifle but not neccisary healthy or perishable homeless girl food. Dont know how long Im gonna be here but I have a goal of losing 20lbs before then.

Anyways. Im 199
My origional goal was 150 but I actually think that 135 would be a better fit and fit better and I know I wouldnt be happy with 150 cuz I just know anyways.
I figured out I could lose it by christmas with this plan....


  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    If you are in the hospital, why don't you ask a dietitian or physician what they think? They know your health better and will be the ones that are there should this plan of yours not work...

    Mathematically you are correct, If you eat 850-1100 a day and burn an additional 650-900 per day you would theoretically lose an average of 3/lb per week. But you will most likely be malnourished and lose a whole lot of lean mass (muscle & non-fat tissue). But there is a reason it is not recommended, especially for someone that is not morbidly obese. I am 145lbs over my goal weight and it would be over the top for me to try this. Perhaps while you are in the hospital you should ask to speak with a counselor about your goals...

    Side Note: How are you calculating your burns? I assume 1100000 is actually 1100, but that still would take a lot of exercise at a high intensity.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Having looked at numerous weight loss spreadsheets of weight losers (from reddit.com/r/loseit) the largest sustainable weight loss seems to be about 1% per week.